Indo-Pak Dialogue
The dawn of February 25 was as usual in New Delhi. Hyderabad House was all welcome to a ‘historic’ meeting of minds. Smiles, warm hand-shakes, “gritty charm, chai, samosas” ( Courtesy : Sherry Rehman, Leader- Pakistan Peoples’ Party) aplenty. Good.
Nirupama Rao and her team on one side of the table with three dossiers prepared by Ministry of Home Affairs for the scrutiny of Pak Foreign ministry and Salman Bashir, Pak Foreign Secretary in a serious but smiling face and his team on the other side.
Both already briefed by their respective higher-ups, the talks went on smoothly.
Her inherent diplomatic approach, notwithstanding, mincing no words wanted Pakistan to curb the terrorists crossing from across the border first and then “let’s proceed on with composite dialogue process” to discuss the “core issue” of Jammu&Kashmir threadbare.
Salman Bashir wanted all issues terrorism included to be bracketed with composite dialogue process so as to enable both nations to discuss the “core issue” of Jammu& Kashmir to be discussed straight away. Both stuck to their respective stands albeit with smiling faces.
Both sides held separate press conferences as was decided earlier and made known their respective stands already known to the media as also common citizens. But the dialogue must go on and on and on.
Pakistan’s Kashmir ‘fixation’ dates back to 1947 itself ie. after partition. Then there were no terrorists or in the words of General (Retd) Pervez Mushara ‘freedom fighters’ anywhere in the picture.
But three major wars fought by successive rulers of Pakistan against India leading to casualties on both sides over the issue of J&K resulting in much bloodshed.
Terrorists appeared on the seen later, first appreciated and encouraged by Pak governments provided with logistical supports and massive funds. The successive rulers of Pak governments rejoiced over the capacity of these elements for striking at will anywhere in J&K as also the whole of India.
This Kashmir ‘fixation’ of Pak rulers proved detrimental to themselves in the long run and they continue to pay dearly for the nefarious activities of the so-called ‘freedom fighters’. Now the whole nation has turned into a ‘towering inferno’ and the rulers go on lamenting over their helplessness to rein in these lethal elements - just think of the enormity of destruction of properties, loss of lives, even former PM Benazir Bhutto fell victim to the machinations of hard-core terrorists like Tehreek-E-Taliban, Huji, LeT and other such accursed beings. If one is of the opinion that Pakistan faces extinction on account of these Frankenstein monsters how is it possible to blame him but that is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
If Pakistan from the very outset had shed its Kashmir ‘fixation’ and its rulers concentrated more on the development and prosperity of the country, it would have become a powerful nation by now. Instead it has termed out to be the hot-bed of terrorism in the eyes of whole world.
The Afghanistan Imbroglio- India suffers Casualties
It was the third time Taliban militants had launched two suicide bombings killing in the process six Indians along with citizens of other nationalities including an Italian Diplomat. While the US and Afghan forces were loudly making tall claims about their renewed surge inflicting massive losses to the terror elements in Marjah in the Helmund provinces, they were taken aback by the two separated suicide bomb attacks killing almost 17 at the very heart of Kabul, the Afghan capital.
Reports streaming in from various sources point to the unlimited civilian casualties in the North-West Frontier Province. No end in sight for a breakthrough in the near future. Innocents for no fault of theirs’ always bore the brunt of all wars and violence, be it anywhere.
Maoists Cease-fire Offer
Reciprocating Home Minister P.Chidambaram’s offer of a 72 hour cease-fire against the Maoists. Maoist leader Kishenji has responded with a 72 days cease-fire. Who is actually more peace-loving- Chidambaramji or Kishenji? I am being more and more confused.
Mobilization, consolidation, tactical approach what not a variety of interpretations from media community.
Vasundhara Raje Resigns
Vasundhara Raje, former CM and now opposition leader in Rajasthan Assembly has in the end, ‘royally relented’ and vacated her prestigious post. Whether her ‘royal step’ is in deference to the wishes or dictates of BJP President the ‘indomitable’ Nitin Gadkari, sorry no idea.
Beheading of Two Sikhs in Pakistan
The whole country cried in anguish and deplored the barbaric beheading of two Sikhs by Taliban militants in Pakistan. The Sikh community and the whole India and Sikhs elsewhere went into a shock and rage over this blood-chilling act.
Railway Budget
The news of fund crunch in the Railway Ministry couldn’t deter an irrepressible Mamata Banerji in presenting a people-friendly Railway Budget in Parliament on Feb 24th. Train fares and freight charges remain untouched. Though she went soft on her Home State that is not a crime Mamata took care to meet the needs of other States also though to a lesser extent. Elections are round the corner in West Bengal and she feels like Writers Building beckoning her at least in the coming elections. Whether her long-cherished dream would fructify we have to wait and watch.
Parliament Budget
Another great son of West Bengal Pranab Kumar Mukherji without departing from his previous style as Finance Minister under different Prime Ministers presented the General Budget- a pragmatic one- it is his forte amidst protests as also applauses by opposition and ruling benches over certain issues respectively.
Giving the right hand and taking by the other hand he has done a balancing act. The decision to hike the petroleum prices evoked sharp protests in Parliament leading to lightnings and thunder showers opposition members and some of the UPA allies trooping to the well of Parliament demanding roll-back of prices and then an unprecedented walk-out by them, the great man stood firm and had a difficult time shouting down the irate members. He was seen and heard “this is a constitutional requirement and you can’t stop me” and the unstoppable Minister went on with his duty. Nice.
The bottom-line remains bottom-line, it will continue to be so. They can go out into the streets with begging bowls.
Murli Deora, this time happy, he can sit pretty well with a broad smile for having passed the buck to the FM.
Industry sector rejoice as usual as they have got what they expected from the FM. The farm sector and the social sector need be satisfied with a nominal fund earmarked for their ‘welfare’. Let Lord Indra listen to his prayers for a fast recovery.
Qatar Nationality to M.F.Hussain
The artists and the cultural personalities heard with shock the conferment of Qatar Nationality upon M.F.Hussain, the world famous painter who is 95 now. He had to leave India after suffering humiliations and threat from Hindu fundamentalists for depicting Hindu Godessess in the ‘nude’ which the Hindutva elements found an insult to Hindus. A self-imposed exile in a Gulf country culminating in conferment of that country’s nationality upon him sent shock waves and anger amongst the Indian artistic community.
At least the Government should show the courtesy of honoring him with “Overseas Indian Citizenship” at least.
Iraq elections are scheduled for March 7. Ahead of the elections, media-world and political commentators are busy weighing the prospects of various alliances. The incumbent Noori-Al-Maliki’s alliance this time faces a tough challenge ahead due to the anti-incumbency factor, wide-spread corruption and intermittent violence. The Iraqi National Alliance under Shiite leader Muktada-Al-Sadr faction of Shiites and a few religious organizations combinedly fight against Al-Maliki’s alliance. Sadr faction is Pro-Iran, they want an early exit of US troops from Iraq and end rampant corruption. Await.
Victor Yanukovich Sworn-in
Victor Yanukovich, the pro-Russian newly elected leader of Ukraine took oath as the next ruler of Ukraine. Being a Pro-Russian, Russian rulers Dmitry Medvede and Vladimir Putin are upbeat. So is Yanukovich.
Kerala Assembly’s budget session has started. Finance Minister, Dr.Thomas Isaac is busy with his budget preparation exercise. The celebration of the fourth anniversary of the government and the impending assembly elections might lead to more populist measures in the budget eyeing the vote-bank.
Temple Festivals
Annual Attukal Pongala festival which is already in the Guinness Book of World Records for the largest congregation of women devotees to offer pongalas with religious fervour and devotion for attaining profuse blessings of presiding Deity at Attukal temple to remain ‘Deergha Sumanagalies’ ( a happy and prosperous prolonged married life) throughout their lives gathered before Attukal Devi this time also.
Annual ‘Makam Thozhal’ festival at Chottanikkara was also celebrated by the women devotees on the auspicious day of Makam, Devi’s star being Makam has a special significance. Those who pray to Devi on this auspicious day are believed to be blessed with a life-long married life and marital bliss.
Annual Guruvayoor Temple festival has begun. The ‘Kodiyettam’ (Flag-hoisting) and the customary annual ‘Aanayottam’ (Elephant race) conducted with much religious fervour and devotion.
In Kerala this is festival season. Places of worship - temples and churches - are in a festive mood with devotees thronging before the presiding deities and pray to their heart’s content, pouring out their sorrows with tears streaming down their cheeks and seek their blessings with folded palms.
Salman Rushdie, writer of international repute and Booker of Booker Prizes Winner has stepped into a world of penning his experiences while in hiding to escape from the “fatwa” (death-warrant) issued by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini for writing a novel, “The Satanic Verses” in which he is alleged to have cast aspersions on the prophet.
Malayalam Film Industry
It seems Malayalam film industry has no way out of the quagmire of mud-slinging against each other, the dog-fights, a daily routine forgetting the precious as also the culture-rejuvinating role of films. Personal animosities and washing the dirty linen in public surpass all decencies. Super, Super-Duper, Mega and what not? We the film-goers need to shame a part of the blame for keeping in our hearts larger than life pictures of some “pigmies”. It is actually our fault.
Sachin atop the world
Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar has once again proved his towering presence in the world of cricket. In the Gwalior One Day against South Africa, the master batsman with a 200 not out the first time ever in One Day Cricket surpassing the previous records set by Saeed Anwar of Pakistan, 194 and Charles Coventry of Zimbabwe, 194 has gained the profuse applause and approval of the world. Let him have the stamina and will-power to scale new heights in future.
In the Hero Honda World Cup Hockey match India has got off to a flying start by defeating Pakistan 4-1.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Sunday, June 28, 2009
“Delhi-1981”- a short-story penned by a Delhi-based Malayalee writer M.Mukundan was a mirror to the moral bankruptcy and cynicism pervading the city of Delhi in the 1980s.
The story revolves around a lady chased and brutally raped by two anti-social youth in broad daylight while she along with her husband and kid was crossing a stadium. The narrative in the form of an eye-witness account of two friends who while looking through the window of their flat coming across the young lady, her husband with their kid, walking along under scorching Sun being spotted by two thugs notorious in the locality watching the pretty young woman with hungry beastly eyes and their movements to trap her and rape her without an iota of moral prick.
The youth who along with his friend giving the eye-witness account of the whole incident with much sense of humour and excitement like a cricket fan watching the same or like a soccer fan watching the game with bated breath, were true representatives of the youth of the entire society of Delhi. The callous indifference and cynicism they displayed were unpardonable.
The story brought Mukundan widespread acclaim and it was a turning point in his literary career. Till then he was caught in the labyrinth of existential agony, identity crisis, meaninglessness and absurdity of life typical of most writers of 1970s. The decision to choose a different path by holding a mirror to the decaying society with a sense of black humour was equally lauded and criticized by readers and critics.
One of the reasons why he trod the path of existential agony and identity crisis must have been the result of his prolonged stay in Delhi and also his job at French Embassy in Delhi. Gradually he became part of Delhi and if Jean Paul Sartre, Albert Camus, Simon De Bouviour and Kafka came to be his favourites, nobody can’t blame him.
This is not about Mukundan and his literary career.
I began the ‘story’ from “Delhi-1981” solely on account of its relevance to contemporary Delhi.
Mumbai and Delhi, two metropolitan cities. One the commercial capital of India and the other the “power” capital of India where our responsible rulers are well-entrenched.
I have been to both Mumbai and Delhi. I was in Mumbai for nearly five years but fortunately or unfortunately couldn’t continue there for that much period. Delhi being our Capital I am always a keen observer of the day to day goings on there.
While I was there I was staying in a flat at Mayur Vihar where my friend and family- his wife and kid were staying. While talking about Delhi naturally we touched upon many aspects of Delhi and being aware of the notoriety of Delhi on the aspect of the sense of insecurity among the women of Delhi.
“Women’s security is still a problem in Delhi, no?”
“Certainly. It was the situation for years. What I can’t understand is it all happens under the very nose of our ruling elite. I don’t know whether such a pathetic state is prevailing in any other capital in the world. In the largest democracy in the world it is something appalling... that there is no well-oiled law and order machinery to tackle this menace haunting us for the past three or four decades. Shame!”- rage was welling within him. And it was infectious also as I was also raging with anger and frustration, though I had not intended to be in Delhi for a long period.
Why is it so? Why can’t the rulers find a remedy? Without adhering to range of the moment decisions why can’t they prepare a long-term remedy?
During my five years of stay in Mumbai I couldn’t notice or read about a single story of molestation, rape or something such untoward happen in Mumbai. Mumbai is renowned for its respect and generosity towards women. I could witness several instances of men waking up from their seats even in a crowded local train making way for a woman to sit and the former in the process suffering inconvenience while commuting long distances.
It doesn’t mean everything is hunky-dory in Mumbai. Unregulated free-market and neo-liberal economic policies ‘did’ much harm than good to the masses as a whole especially women folks. The penchant to see woman as ‘goods to be traded in market’ grew up menacingly. One of the glaring defects of unregulated capitalism is erosion of values and moral bankruptcy leading to subservience of human beings especially women. If globalization has merits one will have to accept the fact it has its demerits also.
The aforesaid reasons must have been the reasons for attempted cases of molestation- a foreign woman tourist had to undergo at the hands of a mob of unruly elements on the eve of a Newyear day two-three years ago. At Marine Drive, in South Mumbai, a police-man – the law enforcer turning law-breaker - also made a vain attempt to molest and rape a teenager and for the beastly crime, he had to face the music. The women of entire Mumbai rose in revolt demanding nothing short of hanging to be awarded to the police-man. That much power they had and equal support in equal measure they got from the opposite gender for their cause in Mumbai. Now compare the powerful women of Mumbai and the hapless women of Delhi.
Let us pay tributes to the budding journalist Soumya Viswanathan of Headlines Today and a number of faceless, hapless women residing at various corners of NewDelhi falling victims on a daily basis to the lust of faceless thugs.
Twenty eight years have passed by since Mukundan penned the harrowing story “Delhi-1981” and it is frightening to note here that the number of women falling preys to the lustful creatures are increasing on a rampant scale. The recent incidences of suspected rapes in Mumbai cannot be tagged with horrendous rapes carried on by the thugs in the National Capital.
The story revolves around a lady chased and brutally raped by two anti-social youth in broad daylight while she along with her husband and kid was crossing a stadium. The narrative in the form of an eye-witness account of two friends who while looking through the window of their flat coming across the young lady, her husband with their kid, walking along under scorching Sun being spotted by two thugs notorious in the locality watching the pretty young woman with hungry beastly eyes and their movements to trap her and rape her without an iota of moral prick.
The youth who along with his friend giving the eye-witness account of the whole incident with much sense of humour and excitement like a cricket fan watching the same or like a soccer fan watching the game with bated breath, were true representatives of the youth of the entire society of Delhi. The callous indifference and cynicism they displayed were unpardonable.
The story brought Mukundan widespread acclaim and it was a turning point in his literary career. Till then he was caught in the labyrinth of existential agony, identity crisis, meaninglessness and absurdity of life typical of most writers of 1970s. The decision to choose a different path by holding a mirror to the decaying society with a sense of black humour was equally lauded and criticized by readers and critics.
One of the reasons why he trod the path of existential agony and identity crisis must have been the result of his prolonged stay in Delhi and also his job at French Embassy in Delhi. Gradually he became part of Delhi and if Jean Paul Sartre, Albert Camus, Simon De Bouviour and Kafka came to be his favourites, nobody can’t blame him.
This is not about Mukundan and his literary career.
I began the ‘story’ from “Delhi-1981” solely on account of its relevance to contemporary Delhi.
Mumbai and Delhi, two metropolitan cities. One the commercial capital of India and the other the “power” capital of India where our responsible rulers are well-entrenched.
I have been to both Mumbai and Delhi. I was in Mumbai for nearly five years but fortunately or unfortunately couldn’t continue there for that much period. Delhi being our Capital I am always a keen observer of the day to day goings on there.
While I was there I was staying in a flat at Mayur Vihar where my friend and family- his wife and kid were staying. While talking about Delhi naturally we touched upon many aspects of Delhi and being aware of the notoriety of Delhi on the aspect of the sense of insecurity among the women of Delhi.
“Women’s security is still a problem in Delhi, no?”
“Certainly. It was the situation for years. What I can’t understand is it all happens under the very nose of our ruling elite. I don’t know whether such a pathetic state is prevailing in any other capital in the world. In the largest democracy in the world it is something appalling... that there is no well-oiled law and order machinery to tackle this menace haunting us for the past three or four decades. Shame!”- rage was welling within him. And it was infectious also as I was also raging with anger and frustration, though I had not intended to be in Delhi for a long period.
Why is it so? Why can’t the rulers find a remedy? Without adhering to range of the moment decisions why can’t they prepare a long-term remedy?
During my five years of stay in Mumbai I couldn’t notice or read about a single story of molestation, rape or something such untoward happen in Mumbai. Mumbai is renowned for its respect and generosity towards women. I could witness several instances of men waking up from their seats even in a crowded local train making way for a woman to sit and the former in the process suffering inconvenience while commuting long distances.
It doesn’t mean everything is hunky-dory in Mumbai. Unregulated free-market and neo-liberal economic policies ‘did’ much harm than good to the masses as a whole especially women folks. The penchant to see woman as ‘goods to be traded in market’ grew up menacingly. One of the glaring defects of unregulated capitalism is erosion of values and moral bankruptcy leading to subservience of human beings especially women. If globalization has merits one will have to accept the fact it has its demerits also.
The aforesaid reasons must have been the reasons for attempted cases of molestation- a foreign woman tourist had to undergo at the hands of a mob of unruly elements on the eve of a Newyear day two-three years ago. At Marine Drive, in South Mumbai, a police-man – the law enforcer turning law-breaker - also made a vain attempt to molest and rape a teenager and for the beastly crime, he had to face the music. The women of entire Mumbai rose in revolt demanding nothing short of hanging to be awarded to the police-man. That much power they had and equal support in equal measure they got from the opposite gender for their cause in Mumbai. Now compare the powerful women of Mumbai and the hapless women of Delhi.
Let us pay tributes to the budding journalist Soumya Viswanathan of Headlines Today and a number of faceless, hapless women residing at various corners of NewDelhi falling victims on a daily basis to the lust of faceless thugs.
Twenty eight years have passed by since Mukundan penned the harrowing story “Delhi-1981” and it is frightening to note here that the number of women falling preys to the lustful creatures are increasing on a rampant scale. The recent incidences of suspected rapes in Mumbai cannot be tagged with horrendous rapes carried on by the thugs in the National Capital.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Most of us, human beings, are bundles of contradictions. The so-called God-men/God-women are no exceptions. Only ‘innocent’ kids can be excluded from the afore-said category but I am afraid even kids sometimes play mischiefs by creating a fuzz if they feel like getting little attention from those closest to them. But I don’t dare to include them under those coming under the list of ‘contradictions’.
It is often said: Human beings seldom change.
Now let us once again discuss the case of the so-called God-men/God-women – the ‘enlightened’ lot. They claim to have or are supposed to have undergone prolonged and ardous years of meditation for obtaining direct communication with God Almighty. A man or woman is supposed to have shed all egos before attaining celestial blessings. Now let us study our contemporary God-men/God-women and the king-size egos they still carry with them. A person as per the ancient teaching- must come out of all worldly desires- renunciation is the apt word – to reach the path of enlightenment. How many such blessed ones are there in our society? (Here I don’t want to keep a studied silence about a handful who after renouncing all their worldly possessions and keeping away from all the hustle and bustle of a world outside fully immersed in their meditation for years in caves along the foot-hills of Himalayas. Here also I have my own reservations.) The blessed ones who are getting along with us enjoying all the worldly pleasures and simultaneously preaching selflessness and altruism by all are innumerable. Their unending thirst for more and more wealth and more and more recognition and reputation by all and sundry are notorious. And the number of those who go to the extent of exploiting the gullible in our society materially and physically are also numerous. Instances of swindling and sexual abuse on a large scale abound in our society.These kinds of exploitation know no boundaries and are prevalent in the society irrespective of religion, be it Hindu, Islam, Christianity or for that matter any religion the case is the same.
While pondering over these blessed beings if I am forced to think about ourselves it is not much of a surprise because we do not have any hallucinations and we don’t claim to have come out attaining that ‘supreme state’. Thank God. And hence I don’t find it proper to cast aspersions on our local money lender Achamma.
It was in 1988 that we came to this part of Palkulam after purchasing a ready-built building along with 10 cents of land. We- my wife, two children and I – a nuclear family found it quite unbearable to get acquainted with the kind of ‘grave-yard’ silence which infact bored us to death as we were part of a city for a prolonged period. Achamma, whom I fondly called Achammal occasionally, was our nearest neighbour. She was in her forty’s then, her husband Varkey whom we affectionately called Varkey Chettan and their one and only daughter Gracy who was in her 20’s were the inmates of their abode- a medium-sized, tile-roofed house. Varkey Chettan was a bulky figure , medium height, a baldie and also with a bushy moustache, was rarely seen in their house and its premises. He was literally a hen-pecked husband and naturally was always hesitant and afraid to cross swords with his wife. Achamma reigned supreme in the house like an over bearing Queen bringing the father and daughter to their toes. Whenever Varkey Chettan played truant to get a day off from duty, Achammal would appear before him in her true colours and would order him to get ready and report for duty without wasting time. Varkey Chettan was left with no other option except to obey his better-half fearing the consequences. Achamma would occasionally rang up the company whether Varkey Chettan was present.
“He is such a lazy man. You know these days how much difficult to get a job even for those who are well educated. He with his Seventh Class failed certificate has got the job of a driver all because of the blessings of Jesus Christ”- Achamma looking up above as if she was seeing Jesus there would tell my wife about her husband’s proverbial laziness and apathy. My wife might have been enjoying Achammal’s words. She might have had an itch to tell Achammal about her own plight and the hullaballo she created on certain occasions she faced with on account of her husband(myself).
Varkey Chettan would wake up or Achamma would wake him up from his slumber early in the morning. After finishing his daily routine and all remaining activities he would step out of his house to the village slowly, the village gradually unveiling the blanket of darkness, would walk down the tarred street without paying heed to the music of the chirping crickets, gritting teeth, angry with himself and all around him to the bus-stop about two furlongs from the house.
At about 10AM, Gracy Kutty- their one and only daughter- would proceed to her tailoring class and Achammal would be free.
She in her usual dress- a bulky, short-statured brown figure in her cheap saree and tight blouse would move out of the house after locking the door, occasionally come to our house or to some other distant houses she had contacts - almost all of them- connected with her a she was their local-money lender. All of them must have been nursing bitter feelings towards her as she had no compunction in charging cut-throat interests from each of them, quite similar to our feelings. Though our nearest neighbour there was no leniency towards us also in extracting maximum amount slapping exorbitant rates. But all paid her respect and gratitude while nursing curses and hatred hidden in their inner hearts, on meeting her typical of human nature.
No amount of flattery or accolades were sufficient to get a mercy approach from her. She meant business.
Like most of the Christian families in Palkulam, she was also God-fearing and with all deserving dedication (?) and piety attended Holy Communion on every Sunday in the nearest Church along with Varkey Chettan and Gracy Kutty.
During bed time we could overhear her prayers with her family before Jesus Christ every day.
“Our father which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done in earth,
As it is in heaven,
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil;
For thine is the kingdom and the power,
And the glory forever, Aamen.”
On hearing her prayers I would shiver with anger and would think about the hollow, empty words she was mouthing before the crucified Christ by rote.
“Bitch, extracting this much from all in the locality, she prays for blessings and salvation by Jesus. What an irony” – whenever I overheard her I used to get angry and would utter choice epithets certainly with utmost caution.
Then as usual, feeling satisfied I would slump into my bed and it was my turn for the day’s communication with God Almighty.
“Krishna, Guruvayoorappa……”
It is often said: Human beings seldom change.
Now let us once again discuss the case of the so-called God-men/God-women – the ‘enlightened’ lot. They claim to have or are supposed to have undergone prolonged and ardous years of meditation for obtaining direct communication with God Almighty. A man or woman is supposed to have shed all egos before attaining celestial blessings. Now let us study our contemporary God-men/God-women and the king-size egos they still carry with them. A person as per the ancient teaching- must come out of all worldly desires- renunciation is the apt word – to reach the path of enlightenment. How many such blessed ones are there in our society? (Here I don’t want to keep a studied silence about a handful who after renouncing all their worldly possessions and keeping away from all the hustle and bustle of a world outside fully immersed in their meditation for years in caves along the foot-hills of Himalayas. Here also I have my own reservations.) The blessed ones who are getting along with us enjoying all the worldly pleasures and simultaneously preaching selflessness and altruism by all are innumerable. Their unending thirst for more and more wealth and more and more recognition and reputation by all and sundry are notorious. And the number of those who go to the extent of exploiting the gullible in our society materially and physically are also numerous. Instances of swindling and sexual abuse on a large scale abound in our society.These kinds of exploitation know no boundaries and are prevalent in the society irrespective of religion, be it Hindu, Islam, Christianity or for that matter any religion the case is the same.
While pondering over these blessed beings if I am forced to think about ourselves it is not much of a surprise because we do not have any hallucinations and we don’t claim to have come out attaining that ‘supreme state’. Thank God. And hence I don’t find it proper to cast aspersions on our local money lender Achamma.
It was in 1988 that we came to this part of Palkulam after purchasing a ready-built building along with 10 cents of land. We- my wife, two children and I – a nuclear family found it quite unbearable to get acquainted with the kind of ‘grave-yard’ silence which infact bored us to death as we were part of a city for a prolonged period. Achamma, whom I fondly called Achammal occasionally, was our nearest neighbour. She was in her forty’s then, her husband Varkey whom we affectionately called Varkey Chettan and their one and only daughter Gracy who was in her 20’s were the inmates of their abode- a medium-sized, tile-roofed house. Varkey Chettan was a bulky figure , medium height, a baldie and also with a bushy moustache, was rarely seen in their house and its premises. He was literally a hen-pecked husband and naturally was always hesitant and afraid to cross swords with his wife. Achamma reigned supreme in the house like an over bearing Queen bringing the father and daughter to their toes. Whenever Varkey Chettan played truant to get a day off from duty, Achammal would appear before him in her true colours and would order him to get ready and report for duty without wasting time. Varkey Chettan was left with no other option except to obey his better-half fearing the consequences. Achamma would occasionally rang up the company whether Varkey Chettan was present.
“He is such a lazy man. You know these days how much difficult to get a job even for those who are well educated. He with his Seventh Class failed certificate has got the job of a driver all because of the blessings of Jesus Christ”- Achamma looking up above as if she was seeing Jesus there would tell my wife about her husband’s proverbial laziness and apathy. My wife might have been enjoying Achammal’s words. She might have had an itch to tell Achammal about her own plight and the hullaballo she created on certain occasions she faced with on account of her husband(myself).
Varkey Chettan would wake up or Achamma would wake him up from his slumber early in the morning. After finishing his daily routine and all remaining activities he would step out of his house to the village slowly, the village gradually unveiling the blanket of darkness, would walk down the tarred street without paying heed to the music of the chirping crickets, gritting teeth, angry with himself and all around him to the bus-stop about two furlongs from the house.
At about 10AM, Gracy Kutty- their one and only daughter- would proceed to her tailoring class and Achammal would be free.
She in her usual dress- a bulky, short-statured brown figure in her cheap saree and tight blouse would move out of the house after locking the door, occasionally come to our house or to some other distant houses she had contacts - almost all of them- connected with her a she was their local-money lender. All of them must have been nursing bitter feelings towards her as she had no compunction in charging cut-throat interests from each of them, quite similar to our feelings. Though our nearest neighbour there was no leniency towards us also in extracting maximum amount slapping exorbitant rates. But all paid her respect and gratitude while nursing curses and hatred hidden in their inner hearts, on meeting her typical of human nature.
No amount of flattery or accolades were sufficient to get a mercy approach from her. She meant business.
Like most of the Christian families in Palkulam, she was also God-fearing and with all deserving dedication (?) and piety attended Holy Communion on every Sunday in the nearest Church along with Varkey Chettan and Gracy Kutty.
During bed time we could overhear her prayers with her family before Jesus Christ every day.
“Our father which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done in earth,
As it is in heaven,
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil;
For thine is the kingdom and the power,
And the glory forever, Aamen.”
On hearing her prayers I would shiver with anger and would think about the hollow, empty words she was mouthing before the crucified Christ by rote.
“Bitch, extracting this much from all in the locality, she prays for blessings and salvation by Jesus. What an irony” – whenever I overheard her I used to get angry and would utter choice epithets certainly with utmost caution.
Then as usual, feeling satisfied I would slump into my bed and it was my turn for the day’s communication with God Almighty.
“Krishna, Guruvayoorappa……”
Saturday, June 20, 2009
15th Loksabha Elections And After – Churning Process In Full Swing
The churning process had already begun. Now it is in full swing. It is expected to go on atleast for three to six months.
The process began soon after the election results were completed. The Grand Old Party (GoP), Indian National Congress is sitting pretty in the saddle and hence is in a jubilant mood. Whether this jubilant mood turns out to be a complacent one- we have to wait and see.
It is quite natural. The parties which emerge with flying colours do not have the need to worry about where the whole strategy went wrong and why? As a party which has been chosen by the electorate with a mandate to deliver needs to ponder over its responsibilities to the masses who voted them to power and also chalk out a future course of action. Any party which goes against its promises to the masses after tasting victory will have to pay dearly in the next round. As somebody put it, electorate have long memories.
We were talking about- churning taking place among the badly mauled or defeated lot- here the parties mainly the so-called national parties and also a few regional entities- still licking their wounds. The edifice of tall claims seen crushing down before the very eyes of its tall leaders was witnessed by all and it naturally resulted in throwing dirt among themselves has come out into the open. The last one or two weeks the murky state of affairs, going on in the BJP (Bharathiya Janata Party)- the party with a difference- happened before the full glare of the media and even the common man. The shocking defeat at the hands of the electorate, upsetting all calculations of its leaders from the top rung down to the lowest rung- witnessed the violent shaking of the party. The party’s newly elected deputy leader in Lok Sabha, Sushma Swaraj admitted before the media the pathetic state of the party saying it was like a volcano about to be erupted anytime. First came the bombshell of Yashwant Sinha, Party’s Vice-President, in the form of a resignation letter from all the responsible positions in the party owning up responsibility for the shocking defeat of the party at the hustings while retaining the primary membership. He didn’t even forget to request his colleagues in the party to follow suit owning up the responsibility, paving the way for a total overhaul. While writing this a resignation spree- one after another- is going on.
The one sitting at the top- a totally desperate man, who in his eighties with all his dreams of occupying the Prime Ministership getting shattered is groping in the dark to rescue the party from infighting and also to restore its old glory. But if his body language is an indication, I don’t think he is that confident now, unlike his glorious days, then fondly addressed by his followers as the ‘Loh Purush’ (Iron Man).
Power is a great cementing force. If the result that came out was different the whole story would also have been different. With Advani still remaining the ‘Loh Purush’ (Iron Man), the second rung leaders who have now risen in revolt against him with each with his/her own agenda would have toed his line even without a whisper. Same is the case with all the parties whether national or regional.
Now let us discuss about the most prominent Leftist party, the Communist Party of India (Marxist) and the drubbing it suffered in the 15th Lok Sabha elections. In the case of CPI (M) also- which suffered shocking defeats in its citadels –West Bengal and Kerala- the search for villain is in full swing with one faction turning against another, eager to put blame on each other, the party’s Polit bureau has intervened to bring the feuding cadres toe its line. As is the characteristic of a cadre party particularly a communist party introspection and self-criticism ‘may’ help it to oversome its ‘inertia’. The forcible evacuation of farmers from Singur without even consulting among its constituent parties and the decision to allot the land to Tatas’ for the manufacturing of ‘Nano’ cars and similar incident in Nandigram, there to allot land for a multinational to erect its chemical hub. The ruling CPI(M) of West Bengal under Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee by adopting an inhuman pro-capitalist attitude was infact caring two hoots for the voices of protest and agony of the poor farmers who were instrumental in catapulting the CPI(M) to power from the very early days. Mamata Banerji, leader of Trinamool Congress cleverly cashed in on their hapless state converted their grievances into votes and cornered as many seats as possible along with the Congress. The intelligentsia of West Bengal, writers, artists, film-celebrities, who were steadfast in their allegiance to communists once, on witnessing the arrogant approach of the Leftist Govt. turned against them and sided with Mamata.
The intellectuals were not against the communist ideals. It was their ire against the inhuman pro-capitalist approach of the communists. The Leftists’ 32 years of monopoly suffered a near crushing blow in the 15th Lok Sabha Elections and if this trend is to be reversed- introspection and self-criticism are the way out. Then only a possibility of another consecutive term in the saddle be expected. This pro-capitalist approach is in some way responsible for the unprecedented clashes raging in the entire Lalgarh area which is virtually under the occupation of Maosits and the fight to regain Lalgarh is now going on with much bloodshed.
In the Southern State of Kerala also – Marxists solely due to its State leadership’s irresponsible policies suffered a mortal blow at the hustings. The infighting raging within the party for the last one decade and more, opportunistic alliances with communal parties and the leadership’s big brother approach to its smaller constituents and a host of other factors like SNC Lavlin contributed a lot to the defeat at the hustings. The Polit bureau is grappling with this matter also and one is at a loss to know whether any lasting solution is possible except for a patch-up. If the latter turns out to be a solution, Party’s prospects will be bleak in future also.
Here I recall my early days in my native village when Communist party and its popular base was at its peak. Atleast once in a month, long processions of red volunteers and the followers, majority of them poor and illiterate shouting slogans to the peak of their voices, raising their fists in the air marching all the way to the nearby town, about 3 to 4 miles away from the village to see and hear their beloved leaders, Comrades P Krishna Pillai, AKG, EMS, Rajeshwar Rao and such prominent comrades of the party. They would patiently occupy places in the sprawling stadium and listen to their leaders’ speeches till late in the night with bated breath, full of excitement and would return to their abodes in their villages.
Today there are no such processions. Only a handful to undertake processions or marches, that also once in a year. Such sincere and dedicated leaders also very rare. I don’t know whether any introspection or retrospection is taking place among its new generation leaders. I am afraid, new generation leaders have lost touch with the poor at grass-roots level unlike the old generation comrades. Only one truth still haunts us, the poverty, malnutrition, illiteracy and exploitation still reign supreme in our Incredible Nation.
NB: In the smaller parties also the churning process is going on. So is infighting. Such news have no such ‘nuisance’ value or ‘news-value’. Hence they rarely reach our ears, occasionally one or two. Like the one in Telangana Rashtra Samiti. A rebel faction has split the party and has formed Telangana Vimochana Samiti. Owning up the responsibility for the defeat Chandrashekara Rao has quit the leadership as per the direction of the rebel faction. A perfect ‘gentle man’! A leader of principles, really!
The process began soon after the election results were completed. The Grand Old Party (GoP), Indian National Congress is sitting pretty in the saddle and hence is in a jubilant mood. Whether this jubilant mood turns out to be a complacent one- we have to wait and see.
It is quite natural. The parties which emerge with flying colours do not have the need to worry about where the whole strategy went wrong and why? As a party which has been chosen by the electorate with a mandate to deliver needs to ponder over its responsibilities to the masses who voted them to power and also chalk out a future course of action. Any party which goes against its promises to the masses after tasting victory will have to pay dearly in the next round. As somebody put it, electorate have long memories.
We were talking about- churning taking place among the badly mauled or defeated lot- here the parties mainly the so-called national parties and also a few regional entities- still licking their wounds. The edifice of tall claims seen crushing down before the very eyes of its tall leaders was witnessed by all and it naturally resulted in throwing dirt among themselves has come out into the open. The last one or two weeks the murky state of affairs, going on in the BJP (Bharathiya Janata Party)- the party with a difference- happened before the full glare of the media and even the common man. The shocking defeat at the hands of the electorate, upsetting all calculations of its leaders from the top rung down to the lowest rung- witnessed the violent shaking of the party. The party’s newly elected deputy leader in Lok Sabha, Sushma Swaraj admitted before the media the pathetic state of the party saying it was like a volcano about to be erupted anytime. First came the bombshell of Yashwant Sinha, Party’s Vice-President, in the form of a resignation letter from all the responsible positions in the party owning up responsibility for the shocking defeat of the party at the hustings while retaining the primary membership. He didn’t even forget to request his colleagues in the party to follow suit owning up the responsibility, paving the way for a total overhaul. While writing this a resignation spree- one after another- is going on.
The one sitting at the top- a totally desperate man, who in his eighties with all his dreams of occupying the Prime Ministership getting shattered is groping in the dark to rescue the party from infighting and also to restore its old glory. But if his body language is an indication, I don’t think he is that confident now, unlike his glorious days, then fondly addressed by his followers as the ‘Loh Purush’ (Iron Man).
Power is a great cementing force. If the result that came out was different the whole story would also have been different. With Advani still remaining the ‘Loh Purush’ (Iron Man), the second rung leaders who have now risen in revolt against him with each with his/her own agenda would have toed his line even without a whisper. Same is the case with all the parties whether national or regional.
Now let us discuss about the most prominent Leftist party, the Communist Party of India (Marxist) and the drubbing it suffered in the 15th Lok Sabha elections. In the case of CPI (M) also- which suffered shocking defeats in its citadels –West Bengal and Kerala- the search for villain is in full swing with one faction turning against another, eager to put blame on each other, the party’s Polit bureau has intervened to bring the feuding cadres toe its line. As is the characteristic of a cadre party particularly a communist party introspection and self-criticism ‘may’ help it to oversome its ‘inertia’. The forcible evacuation of farmers from Singur without even consulting among its constituent parties and the decision to allot the land to Tatas’ for the manufacturing of ‘Nano’ cars and similar incident in Nandigram, there to allot land for a multinational to erect its chemical hub. The ruling CPI(M) of West Bengal under Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee by adopting an inhuman pro-capitalist attitude was infact caring two hoots for the voices of protest and agony of the poor farmers who were instrumental in catapulting the CPI(M) to power from the very early days. Mamata Banerji, leader of Trinamool Congress cleverly cashed in on their hapless state converted their grievances into votes and cornered as many seats as possible along with the Congress. The intelligentsia of West Bengal, writers, artists, film-celebrities, who were steadfast in their allegiance to communists once, on witnessing the arrogant approach of the Leftist Govt. turned against them and sided with Mamata.
The intellectuals were not against the communist ideals. It was their ire against the inhuman pro-capitalist approach of the communists. The Leftists’ 32 years of monopoly suffered a near crushing blow in the 15th Lok Sabha Elections and if this trend is to be reversed- introspection and self-criticism are the way out. Then only a possibility of another consecutive term in the saddle be expected. This pro-capitalist approach is in some way responsible for the unprecedented clashes raging in the entire Lalgarh area which is virtually under the occupation of Maosits and the fight to regain Lalgarh is now going on with much bloodshed.
In the Southern State of Kerala also – Marxists solely due to its State leadership’s irresponsible policies suffered a mortal blow at the hustings. The infighting raging within the party for the last one decade and more, opportunistic alliances with communal parties and the leadership’s big brother approach to its smaller constituents and a host of other factors like SNC Lavlin contributed a lot to the defeat at the hustings. The Polit bureau is grappling with this matter also and one is at a loss to know whether any lasting solution is possible except for a patch-up. If the latter turns out to be a solution, Party’s prospects will be bleak in future also.
Here I recall my early days in my native village when Communist party and its popular base was at its peak. Atleast once in a month, long processions of red volunteers and the followers, majority of them poor and illiterate shouting slogans to the peak of their voices, raising their fists in the air marching all the way to the nearby town, about 3 to 4 miles away from the village to see and hear their beloved leaders, Comrades P Krishna Pillai, AKG, EMS, Rajeshwar Rao and such prominent comrades of the party. They would patiently occupy places in the sprawling stadium and listen to their leaders’ speeches till late in the night with bated breath, full of excitement and would return to their abodes in their villages.
Today there are no such processions. Only a handful to undertake processions or marches, that also once in a year. Such sincere and dedicated leaders also very rare. I don’t know whether any introspection or retrospection is taking place among its new generation leaders. I am afraid, new generation leaders have lost touch with the poor at grass-roots level unlike the old generation comrades. Only one truth still haunts us, the poverty, malnutrition, illiteracy and exploitation still reign supreme in our Incredible Nation.
NB: In the smaller parties also the churning process is going on. So is infighting. Such news have no such ‘nuisance’ value or ‘news-value’. Hence they rarely reach our ears, occasionally one or two. Like the one in Telangana Rashtra Samiti. A rebel faction has split the party and has formed Telangana Vimochana Samiti. Owning up the responsibility for the defeat Chandrashekara Rao has quit the leadership as per the direction of the rebel faction. A perfect ‘gentle man’! A leader of principles, really!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Iran – Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedi Nejad has flashed the ‘V’ (Victory) sign once again. His immediate rival Mir Hossein Mousavi has not conceded defeat. He had once held the PrimeMinistership of Iran, was widely acclaimed as one of the best Prime Ministers and is renowned for his pro-reform agenda. Predictions from almost all quarters especially the Western media had pointed to the near probability of his victory at the hustings this time. All calculations have gone, Ahmedi Nejad, known for his conservative policies and aversion to Western nations and their policies has won the elections with an overwhelming majority. An unprecedented 85% of the electorate chose to exercise its franchise and the incumbent President has come home with 63% in his favour. His rival Mir Hossein Mousavi has alleged foul play and has vowed to fight it out. He had already taken for granted as the incoming President of Iran. Millions who flooded during his election campaign chanted slogans in his favour. Even the media reported with guarded optimism, his possible victory at the hustings. There were reports about the growing unpopularity of Ahmedi Nejad on account of some of his policies especially on the economic front. Inflation is running at 30% and it was attributed to his wrong policies. He was popular among the poor for his pro-poor policies like micro-credit, “justice shares” and for widening the health-care project to poor sections in the society. They must have overwhelmingly voted for him and must have been a plausible reason for his victory.
Be that as it may, sporadic riots have broken out in the streets of Iran against the alleged massive rigging of the polls. Going by the precedence, Iranian authorities known for their zero tolerance towards uprising against the regime fill are likely to crush the violent protests with all their might.
Whether rigging and foul-play took place as alleged by the defeated rival a possible recount is unlikely to ensue that also going by the precedence.
Contrary to all calculations Iran’s Supreme Leader Aytollah Ali Khamenei has asked the Guardian Council to look into the complaint lodged by Mir Hossein Mousavi, on the alleged foul play by the incumbent government of President Ahmedi Nejad on a massive scale. News of riots emanating on the streets of Iran resulting in seven deaths by Mousavi’s supporters is reported from Iran. Whether the government is going to crush the riots with a heavy hand is going to be seen.
North Korea – Communists were revered or denounced for their revolutionary ideas by different nations across the World. Now more than reverence, denouncement reigns supreme. A country once known for its pro-poor, pro-labour policies which always strove for an egalitarian society North Korea has gone down in the eyes of the World as a threat due to its nuclear ambitions. While its neighbour South Korea which nurtures no nuclear ambitions and always aspires for the overall development and prosperity of its citizens has gone far beyond the poor state of affairs prevailing in its neighbouring country. With reports of large-scale poverty and undernourishment from North Korea, comes the painful reports of building nuclear weapons defying the appeals of many nations. Even its big-brother and well-wisher, People’s Republic of China’s advices are not taken into account by North Korean leaders. Its decision to go on with its nuclear ambitions while the country is in the grip of poverty and impoverishment smacks audacity and belligerence. A conclusion to the effect that North Korean leaders are caught in a time warp is something painful to the peace-loving nations. Actually what its leaders are driving home is anybody’s guess. I recall the face of a journalist who angrily termed it a Jurrasic Park.
Sri Lanka – Sri Lanka after long years of turmoil is practically calmful now. LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam) virtually held Sri Lanka to ransom demanding a separate homeland for Tamils in the island country. The hardcore LLTE leaders under Velupillai Prabhakaran never went for peaceful negotiations across the table with the government in the presence of mediators. After incessant persuasions by the Norwegian mediators they agreed for talks with the government and a CFA (Cease Fire Agreement) was reached in 2002 during the regime of Ranil Vikramsinghe. But it was short-lived. Behind the facade of CFA, Tamil Militants were preparing for violent show-down mobilizing cadres and lethal weapons against the government.
Behind every CFA with the government there was always an element of treachery on the part of LTTE. If its leaders were agreeable to a settlement for a peaceful solution – devolution of powers under a federal set-up – large-scale violence leading to the deaths of thousands of innocent victims and leaders could have been avoided. Velupillai Prabhakaran’s machinations boomeranged on him in the end and the LTTE ended in shambles.
Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa has an ardous task to fulfill such as providing innocent civilians with land, livelihood, peace and all kinds of infrastructure development. The innocent civilians might be expecting peace of mind atleast after years of terror threats,displacement and turbulence.
Pakistan – With the active support of USA, Pakistan is locked in pitch battles against the militant Taliban elements in Swat and neighbouring districts. The horrible and shocking scenes of brothers fighting brothers with all the inherent cruelties happening in the neighbouring country is not at all a happy news to India. India always wants Pakistan to be a strong and peaceful nation and going by the events always on a daily basis it looks improbable in the near future. While the fighting rages with large-scale casualties on each side along the North-West Frontier Province, Talibani militants holed up in the provinces inside the nation go on wreaking their vengeance by readying suicide bombers to strike as they please.
Once, to settle scores with Afghanistan, its neighbouring country it was Pakistanis who went on striking spree against the former. Now with the active connivance of Al-Quaida, these elements under the garb of Pakistani Taliban have turned against its own creators to capture power and to let loose a reign of terror by adopting Shariat laws. A peace-loving Pakistani is always averse to such a cruel set up fearing the most inhuman kind of justice and its application.
Will Pakistan continue to be an epicentre of terror? If so, the consequences are unimaginable. All factors depend on the mindset of its democratic rulers.
Be that as it may, sporadic riots have broken out in the streets of Iran against the alleged massive rigging of the polls. Going by the precedence, Iranian authorities known for their zero tolerance towards uprising against the regime fill are likely to crush the violent protests with all their might.
Whether rigging and foul-play took place as alleged by the defeated rival a possible recount is unlikely to ensue that also going by the precedence.
Contrary to all calculations Iran’s Supreme Leader Aytollah Ali Khamenei has asked the Guardian Council to look into the complaint lodged by Mir Hossein Mousavi, on the alleged foul play by the incumbent government of President Ahmedi Nejad on a massive scale. News of riots emanating on the streets of Iran resulting in seven deaths by Mousavi’s supporters is reported from Iran. Whether the government is going to crush the riots with a heavy hand is going to be seen.
North Korea – Communists were revered or denounced for their revolutionary ideas by different nations across the World. Now more than reverence, denouncement reigns supreme. A country once known for its pro-poor, pro-labour policies which always strove for an egalitarian society North Korea has gone down in the eyes of the World as a threat due to its nuclear ambitions. While its neighbour South Korea which nurtures no nuclear ambitions and always aspires for the overall development and prosperity of its citizens has gone far beyond the poor state of affairs prevailing in its neighbouring country. With reports of large-scale poverty and undernourishment from North Korea, comes the painful reports of building nuclear weapons defying the appeals of many nations. Even its big-brother and well-wisher, People’s Republic of China’s advices are not taken into account by North Korean leaders. Its decision to go on with its nuclear ambitions while the country is in the grip of poverty and impoverishment smacks audacity and belligerence. A conclusion to the effect that North Korean leaders are caught in a time warp is something painful to the peace-loving nations. Actually what its leaders are driving home is anybody’s guess. I recall the face of a journalist who angrily termed it a Jurrasic Park.
Sri Lanka – Sri Lanka after long years of turmoil is practically calmful now. LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam) virtually held Sri Lanka to ransom demanding a separate homeland for Tamils in the island country. The hardcore LLTE leaders under Velupillai Prabhakaran never went for peaceful negotiations across the table with the government in the presence of mediators. After incessant persuasions by the Norwegian mediators they agreed for talks with the government and a CFA (Cease Fire Agreement) was reached in 2002 during the regime of Ranil Vikramsinghe. But it was short-lived. Behind the facade of CFA, Tamil Militants were preparing for violent show-down mobilizing cadres and lethal weapons against the government.
Behind every CFA with the government there was always an element of treachery on the part of LTTE. If its leaders were agreeable to a settlement for a peaceful solution – devolution of powers under a federal set-up – large-scale violence leading to the deaths of thousands of innocent victims and leaders could have been avoided. Velupillai Prabhakaran’s machinations boomeranged on him in the end and the LTTE ended in shambles.
Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa has an ardous task to fulfill such as providing innocent civilians with land, livelihood, peace and all kinds of infrastructure development. The innocent civilians might be expecting peace of mind atleast after years of terror threats,displacement and turbulence.
Pakistan – With the active support of USA, Pakistan is locked in pitch battles against the militant Taliban elements in Swat and neighbouring districts. The horrible and shocking scenes of brothers fighting brothers with all the inherent cruelties happening in the neighbouring country is not at all a happy news to India. India always wants Pakistan to be a strong and peaceful nation and going by the events always on a daily basis it looks improbable in the near future. While the fighting rages with large-scale casualties on each side along the North-West Frontier Province, Talibani militants holed up in the provinces inside the nation go on wreaking their vengeance by readying suicide bombers to strike as they please.
Once, to settle scores with Afghanistan, its neighbouring country it was Pakistanis who went on striking spree against the former. Now with the active connivance of Al-Quaida, these elements under the garb of Pakistani Taliban have turned against its own creators to capture power and to let loose a reign of terror by adopting Shariat laws. A peace-loving Pakistani is always averse to such a cruel set up fearing the most inhuman kind of justice and its application.
Will Pakistan continue to be an epicentre of terror? If so, the consequences are unimaginable. All factors depend on the mindset of its democratic rulers.
Sunday, June 14, 2009

She was a star beyond my reach,
So near, she seemed to me
I raised my hand to touch her,
She always remained elusive
But I know,
I know,
in the vast expanse of time a moment will come,
my dream will come true.
The uncertainty,
both tormenting and exciting,
like the game of glorious uncertainties…
Sometimes I hate it;
And at times I love it.
After all, what is life without this uncertainty.
Recently an internationally acclaimed literary figure bid farewell to us. She is a Keralite and our immense pride. A fountain of immense creativity, affection and also eccentricities.
Her seventy five years of existence was quite fabulous. She was a bundle of contradictions. Through her writings- short stories, poems, autobiography and novels, she could invite many admirers, critics and enemies. Her eccentricities often landed her in the midst of controversies. Her way of sending shockwaves down the spines of elite was unparalleled. The so-called champions of a bygone era, the archaic traditions, values, ethics and morals shivered with impotent rage, took up cudgels against her on behalf of the society against her. But she was not to be taken aback, crossed swords with them single-handedly, thus razed to the ground centuries of hitherto unquestioned beliefs held sacred by the male-chauvinists of a hated generation. The last remnants are still here but her single-handed fight paved the way for many in her line to take up the thread left behind by her.
This is not at all intended to make a critical study of her invaluable writings, I am aware, I am not at all fit to be a critic of her writings and I also know there are umpteen critics of calibre in Malayalam and other languages to evaluate her writings.
I was only an admirer of her writings and at times a critic.
I preferred to be an observer and still continue to be a observer.
I know while she was in Mumbai, she was there with her family. And I knew she had a wide friends’ circle. A few of them I knew in person but most of them I had not even heard of, didn’t cherish even a spark of hope in my heart to meet her because I was aware such desire would prove to be immaterial. But I knew her through her stories and poems and autobiography which created uproar in the society as a whole. To have an emotional rapport with a loved one you need not meet her/him in person. A colleague, who at that time, lived in her vicinity, once spoke to me about the then queen of Malayalam short story and English poems, and the way she led the life of a Queen on the banks of the occasionally calm but often turbulent sea with her beloved ones. But my colleague was not at all aware of the turbulent sea raging in the inner chambers of the Queen’s heart. Her neighbour - my colleague- mistook her as leading a life of grandeur with all pomp and pageantry in an ambience of serenity and inner calm. My colleague was and still is leading a life away from the men/women of letters, memories, imagination- the abode of a restless world. “A blessed one” in a sense.
After a few years in Mumbai, Queen of letters shifted residence to the capital of her native State, Kerala, with her life-partner. Writing was something inseparable to her, quite natural, continued to pen down her emotions both in Malayalam and English and alongwith it made admirers, detractors and a whole lot of controversies. Inviting controversies was something of a mania to her, thus inflaming the passions of a vast lot. A girl, a lady, an old woman- in all her incarnations she craved for love and affection from the society and was depressed whenever it was not forthcoming and complained to all her friends about the wretched society. The same person could not sit idle fearing the wrath of the establishment. So, no dearth of brick-bats from outside either.
While she was at Trivandrum, I was in Kerala after a brief stint in Mumbai. I had been to Trivandrum several times- by God, I couldn’t even dream about meeting her- for me she was a star beyond my reach. Though a writer in my own way I have no hesitation in disclosing before the world of men of letters, still I stand as an alien. I am not much personally acquainted with the established writers of our times, with no complaint I will continue to write in my own right, not to be taken in by the callous indifference of a senseless society. That indifference has not at all diminished my appreciation towards the writers whom I love and respect, once worshipped.
When I came to know of her decision to contest the electoral battle from Trivandrum to Loksabha, it was a news story something amusing to me. But the amount of appreciation I felt towards her still lingers in my mind. The determination and courage to tread a hitherto untrodden path facing the hostilities of a vast majority in the society with the support of only a minority.
Still she continued with her writings- it was the only elixir , safety-valve for her to escape from madness.
As the enmity towards her mounted from all directions she searched for an escape route, and found refuge at Ernakulam, my home district. As her acquaintance with the life in the district grew day by day, her new found friend-circle also got wider and wider. The controversies so characteristic of her writings and deeds opened a can of worms and adding fuel to fire she might have thought atleast for a moment besides various reasons, to send shockwaves through the society by embracing Islam religion and the declaration to get married again in the twilight of her life. Infact she was celebrating her right to exercise her freedom in the face of all hostilities
I couldn’t summon courage to meet her in person even while she was very much in my home-district. The only satisfaction being a complimentary copy of my first collection of short stories addressing Amy having sent to her, with prayers in my heart. No reply, no appreciation, no admonitions. And on my part no complaint also. After all what is the meaning of Amy in Bengali?
Still the place she occupied in my heart will be there unmoved and unhurt always. My kind of young and old writers must also have some satisfaction. So we go on with our mission.
PS : Within no time after her leaving this world I was amused and appalled at the shedding of tears by some of the established writers who were so attached to her till she breathed her last, writing with astonishing craftsmanship, aesthetic sense and clarity the moments each of them shared with her. Is this possible for everybody to scribble beautifully and with poise nearing perfection. Wonderful!
So near, she seemed to me
I raised my hand to touch her,
She always remained elusive
But I know,
I know,
in the vast expanse of time a moment will come,
my dream will come true.
The uncertainty,
both tormenting and exciting,
like the game of glorious uncertainties…
Sometimes I hate it;
And at times I love it.
After all, what is life without this uncertainty.
Recently an internationally acclaimed literary figure bid farewell to us. She is a Keralite and our immense pride. A fountain of immense creativity, affection and also eccentricities.
Her seventy five years of existence was quite fabulous. She was a bundle of contradictions. Through her writings- short stories, poems, autobiography and novels, she could invite many admirers, critics and enemies. Her eccentricities often landed her in the midst of controversies. Her way of sending shockwaves down the spines of elite was unparalleled. The so-called champions of a bygone era, the archaic traditions, values, ethics and morals shivered with impotent rage, took up cudgels against her on behalf of the society against her. But she was not to be taken aback, crossed swords with them single-handedly, thus razed to the ground centuries of hitherto unquestioned beliefs held sacred by the male-chauvinists of a hated generation. The last remnants are still here but her single-handed fight paved the way for many in her line to take up the thread left behind by her.
This is not at all intended to make a critical study of her invaluable writings, I am aware, I am not at all fit to be a critic of her writings and I also know there are umpteen critics of calibre in Malayalam and other languages to evaluate her writings.
I was only an admirer of her writings and at times a critic.
I preferred to be an observer and still continue to be a observer.
I know while she was in Mumbai, she was there with her family. And I knew she had a wide friends’ circle. A few of them I knew in person but most of them I had not even heard of, didn’t cherish even a spark of hope in my heart to meet her because I was aware such desire would prove to be immaterial. But I knew her through her stories and poems and autobiography which created uproar in the society as a whole. To have an emotional rapport with a loved one you need not meet her/him in person. A colleague, who at that time, lived in her vicinity, once spoke to me about the then queen of Malayalam short story and English poems, and the way she led the life of a Queen on the banks of the occasionally calm but often turbulent sea with her beloved ones. But my colleague was not at all aware of the turbulent sea raging in the inner chambers of the Queen’s heart. Her neighbour - my colleague- mistook her as leading a life of grandeur with all pomp and pageantry in an ambience of serenity and inner calm. My colleague was and still is leading a life away from the men/women of letters, memories, imagination- the abode of a restless world. “A blessed one” in a sense.
After a few years in Mumbai, Queen of letters shifted residence to the capital of her native State, Kerala, with her life-partner. Writing was something inseparable to her, quite natural, continued to pen down her emotions both in Malayalam and English and alongwith it made admirers, detractors and a whole lot of controversies. Inviting controversies was something of a mania to her, thus inflaming the passions of a vast lot. A girl, a lady, an old woman- in all her incarnations she craved for love and affection from the society and was depressed whenever it was not forthcoming and complained to all her friends about the wretched society. The same person could not sit idle fearing the wrath of the establishment. So, no dearth of brick-bats from outside either.
While she was at Trivandrum, I was in Kerala after a brief stint in Mumbai. I had been to Trivandrum several times- by God, I couldn’t even dream about meeting her- for me she was a star beyond my reach. Though a writer in my own way I have no hesitation in disclosing before the world of men of letters, still I stand as an alien. I am not much personally acquainted with the established writers of our times, with no complaint I will continue to write in my own right, not to be taken in by the callous indifference of a senseless society. That indifference has not at all diminished my appreciation towards the writers whom I love and respect, once worshipped.
When I came to know of her decision to contest the electoral battle from Trivandrum to Loksabha, it was a news story something amusing to me. But the amount of appreciation I felt towards her still lingers in my mind. The determination and courage to tread a hitherto untrodden path facing the hostilities of a vast majority in the society with the support of only a minority.
Still she continued with her writings- it was the only elixir , safety-valve for her to escape from madness.
As the enmity towards her mounted from all directions she searched for an escape route, and found refuge at Ernakulam, my home district. As her acquaintance with the life in the district grew day by day, her new found friend-circle also got wider and wider. The controversies so characteristic of her writings and deeds opened a can of worms and adding fuel to fire she might have thought atleast for a moment besides various reasons, to send shockwaves through the society by embracing Islam religion and the declaration to get married again in the twilight of her life. Infact she was celebrating her right to exercise her freedom in the face of all hostilities
I couldn’t summon courage to meet her in person even while she was very much in my home-district. The only satisfaction being a complimentary copy of my first collection of short stories addressing Amy having sent to her, with prayers in my heart. No reply, no appreciation, no admonitions. And on my part no complaint also. After all what is the meaning of Amy in Bengali?
Still the place she occupied in my heart will be there unmoved and unhurt always. My kind of young and old writers must also have some satisfaction. So we go on with our mission.
PS : Within no time after her leaving this world I was amused and appalled at the shedding of tears by some of the established writers who were so attached to her till she breathed her last, writing with astonishing craftsmanship, aesthetic sense and clarity the moments each of them shared with her. Is this possible for everybody to scribble beautifully and with poise nearing perfection. Wonderful!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
World Environment Day was celebrated with much fanfare across the Globe on June 5. Though the awareness of reducing carbon emissions and pollutions of all sorts is spreading among the elite as well as the poor, the grim need for collective action is still to gain momentum among each of us. Ecological plunder, pumping of poisonous effluents into rivers by factories regardless of the dire consequences to the humanity in the long run in the form of diseases such as Cholera, diahorrea, skin diseases, water scarcity, shortage of potable drinking water, rising sea-levels as a result of global warming are staring at our faces like monsters.
Much has been written about this curse for which we are to blame ourselves only and the remedy has to be taken by ourselves, otherwise the worst sufferers will be the present generation and coming generation. Nations, among developed as well as developing nations who were very reluctant or averse to listening to the valuable and timely alarming signals conveyed by the wise a few years ago have shown the willingness and enthusiasm to come round to the point of views, the most important being USA, one of the most developed nations, incidentally the worst emitter of carbon emissions didn’t care to sign the Kyoto Protocol of 1997 signed at Tokyo, Japan by refusing to be a non-signatory. Anyhow, belated enlightenment dawned upon it later and now under the regime of a new President has decided to co-operate with the next summit to be held at Copenhagen, the Danish capital, a few months from now. So far so good.
True, the environment protection is the responsibility of each of us. Each has to contribute his/her own might to the same. But how many of us care much for this? The answer is a cold “only a miniscule”.
On June 5, the day we are celebrating as World Environment Day, we could read about and watch the enthusiasm displayed by our citizens- men, women and students- throughout Kerala, throughout India, throughout our world. The planting of saplings with beaming smiles by students, environment activists, seminars organized by NGOs, government agencies and a whole lot of prominent agencies and political leaders across the spectrum vying with each other for grabbing attention of the media were watched by all of us in the visual media. What we couldn’t and didn’t notice were the simultaneous felling of trees and its stealth transportation by lorries to unknown places by forest brigands and such reckless anti-social elements. Same was the case with carbon emissions. There were no dearth of vehicles plying along the pot-holed streets of our cities emitting poisonous carbon-monoxide emissions adding to the number of patients with respiratory disorders. The pumping of poisonous effluents by factories down the rivers continued as usual.
Due to the pathetic infrastructure development our roads and transport and subsequently the travel facilities, life in cities and rural areas reminds us of a bygone era. Narrow pot-holed roads, a booming population, similarly a booming real-estate and the number of vehicles plying through our roads emitting effusions most often resulting in traffic-jams – our journey through a city is something of a nightmare (Imagine the plight of vehicles and travellers caught in the traffic-jam under scorching sun for long duration in a city!). Even lack of parking spaces create much of a hell to travellers.
Though the blame for the pathetic state of our streets and lack of parking spaces are attributed to the apathy of the authorities, the latter always make it sure to charge parking-fee, sometimes even penalties for not parking at the specified space (Where?) from the travellers. If these charges are extracted after taking care of the minimum necessities of the citizens it is worth charging the required fee. It may atleast sound plausible. As long as such facilities are non-existent or namesake what is the logic behind charging those who sweat it out through the dilapidated streets.
June 5s will come and go. So will come World Environment Day celebrations. Planting of saplings under the glaring eyes of TV cameras amid much fanfare will continue as usual. So will the wanton felling of trees. Seminars and some measures to reduce carbon emissions will be organized. So will the number of vehicles emitting poisonous emissions multiply. The streets will remain to be pot-holed and dilapidated.
Platitudes abound. But no positive action. One hand which gives doesn’t know, what the other hand takes.
However, waiting to see light at the end of the tunnel is human nature- HOPE.
Much has been written about this curse for which we are to blame ourselves only and the remedy has to be taken by ourselves, otherwise the worst sufferers will be the present generation and coming generation. Nations, among developed as well as developing nations who were very reluctant or averse to listening to the valuable and timely alarming signals conveyed by the wise a few years ago have shown the willingness and enthusiasm to come round to the point of views, the most important being USA, one of the most developed nations, incidentally the worst emitter of carbon emissions didn’t care to sign the Kyoto Protocol of 1997 signed at Tokyo, Japan by refusing to be a non-signatory. Anyhow, belated enlightenment dawned upon it later and now under the regime of a new President has decided to co-operate with the next summit to be held at Copenhagen, the Danish capital, a few months from now. So far so good.
True, the environment protection is the responsibility of each of us. Each has to contribute his/her own might to the same. But how many of us care much for this? The answer is a cold “only a miniscule”.
On June 5, the day we are celebrating as World Environment Day, we could read about and watch the enthusiasm displayed by our citizens- men, women and students- throughout Kerala, throughout India, throughout our world. The planting of saplings with beaming smiles by students, environment activists, seminars organized by NGOs, government agencies and a whole lot of prominent agencies and political leaders across the spectrum vying with each other for grabbing attention of the media were watched by all of us in the visual media. What we couldn’t and didn’t notice were the simultaneous felling of trees and its stealth transportation by lorries to unknown places by forest brigands and such reckless anti-social elements. Same was the case with carbon emissions. There were no dearth of vehicles plying along the pot-holed streets of our cities emitting poisonous carbon-monoxide emissions adding to the number of patients with respiratory disorders. The pumping of poisonous effluents by factories down the rivers continued as usual.
Due to the pathetic infrastructure development our roads and transport and subsequently the travel facilities, life in cities and rural areas reminds us of a bygone era. Narrow pot-holed roads, a booming population, similarly a booming real-estate and the number of vehicles plying through our roads emitting effusions most often resulting in traffic-jams – our journey through a city is something of a nightmare (Imagine the plight of vehicles and travellers caught in the traffic-jam under scorching sun for long duration in a city!). Even lack of parking spaces create much of a hell to travellers.
Though the blame for the pathetic state of our streets and lack of parking spaces are attributed to the apathy of the authorities, the latter always make it sure to charge parking-fee, sometimes even penalties for not parking at the specified space (Where?) from the travellers. If these charges are extracted after taking care of the minimum necessities of the citizens it is worth charging the required fee. It may atleast sound plausible. As long as such facilities are non-existent or namesake what is the logic behind charging those who sweat it out through the dilapidated streets.
June 5s will come and go. So will come World Environment Day celebrations. Planting of saplings under the glaring eyes of TV cameras amid much fanfare will continue as usual. So will the wanton felling of trees. Seminars and some measures to reduce carbon emissions will be organized. So will the number of vehicles emitting poisonous emissions multiply. The streets will remain to be pot-holed and dilapidated.
Platitudes abound. But no positive action. One hand which gives doesn’t know, what the other hand takes.
However, waiting to see light at the end of the tunnel is human nature- HOPE.
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