Most of us had not at all anticipated such a bleak scenario in our State of Kerala. Unfortunately such a scenario is right before our eyes, like a nightmare.
We took immense pride, hubris, I would say in believing that our State is peaceful and safe in the turbulent times that our nation is now confronted with.
A land endowed with natural beauty with its verdant hills, sparkling streams and lakes, vast paddy fields reminding us of a carpet of greenery, we call our State “God’s Own Country”, I don’t know the gentlemen who proudly coined the term. The greenery of the land about which we are all proud of is gradually fading out, I do admit owing to our frantic pursuit of urbanization and modernization, our present development Mantra.
Recently I came across a news ‘item’, yes it is from Singapore on the auspicious occasion of celebrating “Pravasi Bharathiya Divas”, which was inaugurated by none other than our Minister of Overseas Affairs. The Minister Mentor of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew reminded the enterprising businessmen and industrialists- his lines I quote here “a developed India means an urban India”. A nation with about seventy percent of the population living in rural areas- majority of them farmers toiling under the blazing sun cultivating rice, wheat and other cereals, for the daily bread of the Indian citizen, was advised by Mr.Lee to turn urban inorder to become a developed India. At a moment when the agricultural scientists of the calibre of Dr.M.S. Swaminathan through their writings and speeches pointing out to all of us day in and day out, the importance of self-sufficiency in food and the importance of encouraging agriculture! Sorry, I am deviating from the main point.
While boasting about the positive sides of our State, we are very well aware of our several limitations. Kerala is a consumer State. We have to transport our rice,vegetables,fruits and even flowers from the neighbouring States of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh, the States which are not blessed with such beautiful landscape and favourable climate. Our infrastructural facilities are not at all commendable- its pot-holed roads, lack of irrigation facilities and power shortage are pointers in that direction.
Inspite of all these draw backs we were very proud of our communal harmony and a terror-free atmosphere. While the Northern States of Orissa, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Assam, even our capital New Delhi reel under massive onslaught of intermittent terrorist attacks and communal clashes (mayhem, massacres and explosions) our State remained relatively calm and quiet. Some aberrations were there we do admit and feel ashamed.
Recent revelations that our State was a recruitment ground for terrorists were shocking and alarming to us. Never in the wildest of our dreams we had anticipated such a grim scenario. The outward calm and serene atmosphere was only a façade. The undercurrents were so ferocious that we find all these disclosures chilling and incredible. It is reported that over three hundred terrorist recruitments have already taken place by hard-core terrorist-outfits like Lashkar-E-Toiba from our State. The news of the killing of four Keralites by our jawans across the border have already come out in the open. Those terror-recruits were joining forces with the terrorists of the neighbouring nation to upset the already violated secular fabric of our nation. The news of disowning their son’s dead bodies by their parents are in a sense heartening. Imagine their inner conflicts and tearful eyes…..
Whom to blame for all these terrible crimes?
Our political leaders have already plunged into the arena and have started throwing mud against each other. The usual blame game. The same old story. BJP Leader P.K.Krishna Das says: If CPM is the foster-mother of these terror recruits, the Indian National Congress is the foster-father. Both are to be equally blamed for these shameful and dastardly acts.
According to CPI(M) State Secretary, Pinarayi Vijayan, the arch-villain behind this is none other than NDF (National Democratic Front), a militant organization. Leader of the opposition Oommen Chandy has no hesitation in pointing finger at the ruling CPM. He accuses the CPI(M) for forming alliances with the communal groups with the sole-purpose of defeating the opposition at the hustings.
These kinds of political mud-slinging are going on and will go on, an on-going process, naturally. No politician is going to own-up the responsibility and atone for the sordid developments that we are witnessing today. Power is a great cementing force and hence power-play is here to stay.
Common man may soliloquise: “This is our plight. We have to learn to live with it.”
That is the soliloquy of the average Indian citizen.
Before the anti-social elements turn our State into a communal and terror inferno would better counsel prevail upon our leaders? Could we expect or hope for a constructive approach?
Friday, October 31, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
A Sunday Adventure
Parel blazing under the scorching sun.
It was a Sunday. Sundays were always very special to me. A day of relaxation and entertainment, after seven days of monotonous working hours in the office and hectic commuting by the local trains to the office and then to my den in the interiors of Parel. Sundays were special not only to me but also for my kind of working young men and women in the city. Now that I am free after opting out of my job, thanks to the voluntary separation scheme announced by my institution, all days are in a sense special or dearer to me. No tension. No headaches. No nerve-wracking excercises, plenty of time left for reading, writing, observation and if mood willing, TV watching. Thank God! Not at all any reason for boredom.
I was alone in the flat. The landlord was away in his native land of Satara with his family for a month long vacation. My one and only room-mate and friend Ajith was on a pleasure trip to Mount Abu in Rajasthan. He always loved travels and even after marriage, he still undertakes travels to the interiors of India, alone. I got a picture card from him the day before the picture of Dilwara temple and on one side he had written- writing to you from the top of the world. An escape from the monotony of daily existence.
A precious chance missed! He had invited me several times to give him a company for his pleasure trip to Mount Abu. I could have gone with him. I should have gone with him. I would not have felt like an orphan in Parel, as I had no other friends there, atleast one SouthIndian either a Tamilian or a Malayalee. All “Marathi Manoos” , - the intimate words of Shiv Sena leader- Bal Thackeray, all of them strange to me. Even that language was so alien to me, and still alien to me.
“I don’t feel like traveling a long distance this time, Ajith somewhat lethargic. Bear with me this time. We shall make it the next time. Have a nice journey. Write to me or give me a ring, if possible. Sorry my dear friend”.- Ajith might have been amazed to find my apathy which I had never displayed before.
I woke up as usual at about 6AM and went inside, washed my face and came back. Even in the morning, I felt like sweating under the fan which was working at its peak. Through the open window I could see outside, the atmosphere in Parel, still hazy with “Marathi Manoos” moving in various directions doing their daily chores. Came out of the room, bolted the room from outside and went down the stairs to the nearest coffee shop just infront of the Bombay Dyeing colony. My daily bed-coffee was from that shop, the owner, a 50year old man in his kurtas and pyjamas was a stranger to me. I didn’t ask him anything and he didn’t ask me anything. We wanted to be strangers, so I felt. Bombay Dyeing colony is a huge housing complex with approximately three hundred small flats, all packed to capacity, the prime occupants being Bombay Dyeing mill workers, the mill adjacent to it.
I drank the coffee. Came back to the room and lighted a cigar. A device for tension-releasing, so I believed in those days. The day’s newspapers arrived and slumping into the chair with the cigar in between my two fingers, my eyes went through the day’s news, occasionally blowing out smoke through my mouth and nostrils. The reading went on for about two hours and after that I woke up from the chair, again went inside and routine activities began.
After having a bath, I went to the kitchen and preparations for the cooking began and ignited the stove. Two boiled bananas, two slices of bread and one glass of black tea, the process took about only fifteen to twenty minutes. Somewhat sumptuous breakfast in the city of Mumbai, for an average office-goer.
Breakfast over, I came to the front and pondered over the next step. Even after ten minutes of nerve-wracking, couldn’t find one and hence I thought about having some more sleep on the mattress spread on the cot. A nice sleep forgetting all worries, tensions and existential agonies of a typical city-man. After all I was alone there. If Ajith was there, the story would have been different. We would have gone out to Victoria Terminus or Churchgate, might have spent time watching one or two movies at the New Excelsior,Eros or Metro. Or simple sightseeing trip Gateway, Elephanta Caves, Malabar Hills or Marine Drive. But he was away in Mount Abu in a festive spirit.
Parel still blazing under the scorching sun.
I was in deep sleep oblivious of the happenings around the surroundings. I didn’t know, I was sweating under the ever dutiful ceiling fan. My moments of ‘Kumbhakarna Sleep’…. Somebody shook me violently. With shock and rage brewing within me I opened my eyes and woke up. A group of young and middle-aged men standing before me with arrogant faces. I felt bewildered. Simply coming inside, violently shaking me up, with arrogant looks, I felt like slapping the audacious creatures. All of them strangers, one among them extended a receipt book towards me and demanded-“Donation”. He was growling, so I felt.
“What for”- I blurted out.
“Shivaji Jayanti Celebration”- the fellow growled again.
“Who gave you the permission to come inside?- I was roaring with anger.
He might have been taken aback for a second. There was no response except his impudent looks. I could notice the impudent looks on the faces of each and everyone among the group.
“Forcing a man out of his sleep, then demanding donation from him- too much. Don’t play with fire. Take it from me. Yeah I say, I won’t give you a single paisa”. –I was shivering with rage. My heart was pounding fast. I could hear my heart beating, like drum beats. If provoked further I would have gone to do something extreme on the spur of the moment. There was not much response from the group except a “See you”, “See you again”- an arrogant tone.
“Get lost”- I responded in an angry tone.
Parel still blazing under the scorching sun.
They were about to wreak vengeance upon me, of which I was unaware of.
The next day as usual, after a day’s boring job and tormenting journey, I reached the room at about 7PM. Immediately after unlocking the door and entering the room I was about to switch on the light and fan. No, there was no power supply. I came out and looked around and saw lights everywhere. Each and every flat of the colony was flooding with light. Whole Parel was bathed in light except my room. I was alarmed and was wondering whom to lodge a complaint. Everyone there was a stranger to me. Unfortunately Ajith was out of the station, the landlord also not at home. I bolted the room again and went out. Bought a packet of candles and came back. Lighted it- some relief after all. Sunday’s incident came to mind and I was coming to grip with the situation- they have struck back. Okay then, let them proceed and satiate their thirst for blood. Let them enjoy and laugh to their heart’s content. But I had decided to not to be cowed down by such nasty tricks.
Ajith came back after one week and was flabbergasted on hearing the whole story.
“These narrow minded ones don’t care for other people’s feelings. They think the whole of Maharashtra is their monopoly, their family property. Don’t be upset. The cosmopolitan character of Mumbai is here to stay. They can’t wipe it out anymore”- Ajith’s words of consolation calmed my nerves for the moment.
I recall this sordid story after about 28 years now because of the recent unfortunate happenings involving the youths of Bihar and U.P who came all the way from their native States to attend a Railway Recruitment Board Exam and their ordeal at the hands of MNS hoodlums.
Even then the cosmopolitan character of Mumbai is here to stay, the vibrant hustling,bustling city is here to stay for ever….
It was a Sunday. Sundays were always very special to me. A day of relaxation and entertainment, after seven days of monotonous working hours in the office and hectic commuting by the local trains to the office and then to my den in the interiors of Parel. Sundays were special not only to me but also for my kind of working young men and women in the city. Now that I am free after opting out of my job, thanks to the voluntary separation scheme announced by my institution, all days are in a sense special or dearer to me. No tension. No headaches. No nerve-wracking excercises, plenty of time left for reading, writing, observation and if mood willing, TV watching. Thank God! Not at all any reason for boredom.
I was alone in the flat. The landlord was away in his native land of Satara with his family for a month long vacation. My one and only room-mate and friend Ajith was on a pleasure trip to Mount Abu in Rajasthan. He always loved travels and even after marriage, he still undertakes travels to the interiors of India, alone. I got a picture card from him the day before the picture of Dilwara temple and on one side he had written- writing to you from the top of the world. An escape from the monotony of daily existence.
A precious chance missed! He had invited me several times to give him a company for his pleasure trip to Mount Abu. I could have gone with him. I should have gone with him. I would not have felt like an orphan in Parel, as I had no other friends there, atleast one SouthIndian either a Tamilian or a Malayalee. All “Marathi Manoos” , - the intimate words of Shiv Sena leader- Bal Thackeray, all of them strange to me. Even that language was so alien to me, and still alien to me.
“I don’t feel like traveling a long distance this time, Ajith somewhat lethargic. Bear with me this time. We shall make it the next time. Have a nice journey. Write to me or give me a ring, if possible. Sorry my dear friend”.- Ajith might have been amazed to find my apathy which I had never displayed before.
I woke up as usual at about 6AM and went inside, washed my face and came back. Even in the morning, I felt like sweating under the fan which was working at its peak. Through the open window I could see outside, the atmosphere in Parel, still hazy with “Marathi Manoos” moving in various directions doing their daily chores. Came out of the room, bolted the room from outside and went down the stairs to the nearest coffee shop just infront of the Bombay Dyeing colony. My daily bed-coffee was from that shop, the owner, a 50year old man in his kurtas and pyjamas was a stranger to me. I didn’t ask him anything and he didn’t ask me anything. We wanted to be strangers, so I felt. Bombay Dyeing colony is a huge housing complex with approximately three hundred small flats, all packed to capacity, the prime occupants being Bombay Dyeing mill workers, the mill adjacent to it.
I drank the coffee. Came back to the room and lighted a cigar. A device for tension-releasing, so I believed in those days. The day’s newspapers arrived and slumping into the chair with the cigar in between my two fingers, my eyes went through the day’s news, occasionally blowing out smoke through my mouth and nostrils. The reading went on for about two hours and after that I woke up from the chair, again went inside and routine activities began.
After having a bath, I went to the kitchen and preparations for the cooking began and ignited the stove. Two boiled bananas, two slices of bread and one glass of black tea, the process took about only fifteen to twenty minutes. Somewhat sumptuous breakfast in the city of Mumbai, for an average office-goer.
Breakfast over, I came to the front and pondered over the next step. Even after ten minutes of nerve-wracking, couldn’t find one and hence I thought about having some more sleep on the mattress spread on the cot. A nice sleep forgetting all worries, tensions and existential agonies of a typical city-man. After all I was alone there. If Ajith was there, the story would have been different. We would have gone out to Victoria Terminus or Churchgate, might have spent time watching one or two movies at the New Excelsior,Eros or Metro. Or simple sightseeing trip Gateway, Elephanta Caves, Malabar Hills or Marine Drive. But he was away in Mount Abu in a festive spirit.
Parel still blazing under the scorching sun.
I was in deep sleep oblivious of the happenings around the surroundings. I didn’t know, I was sweating under the ever dutiful ceiling fan. My moments of ‘Kumbhakarna Sleep’…. Somebody shook me violently. With shock and rage brewing within me I opened my eyes and woke up. A group of young and middle-aged men standing before me with arrogant faces. I felt bewildered. Simply coming inside, violently shaking me up, with arrogant looks, I felt like slapping the audacious creatures. All of them strangers, one among them extended a receipt book towards me and demanded-“Donation”. He was growling, so I felt.
“What for”- I blurted out.
“Shivaji Jayanti Celebration”- the fellow growled again.
“Who gave you the permission to come inside?- I was roaring with anger.
He might have been taken aback for a second. There was no response except his impudent looks. I could notice the impudent looks on the faces of each and everyone among the group.
“Forcing a man out of his sleep, then demanding donation from him- too much. Don’t play with fire. Take it from me. Yeah I say, I won’t give you a single paisa”. –I was shivering with rage. My heart was pounding fast. I could hear my heart beating, like drum beats. If provoked further I would have gone to do something extreme on the spur of the moment. There was not much response from the group except a “See you”, “See you again”- an arrogant tone.
“Get lost”- I responded in an angry tone.
Parel still blazing under the scorching sun.
They were about to wreak vengeance upon me, of which I was unaware of.
The next day as usual, after a day’s boring job and tormenting journey, I reached the room at about 7PM. Immediately after unlocking the door and entering the room I was about to switch on the light and fan. No, there was no power supply. I came out and looked around and saw lights everywhere. Each and every flat of the colony was flooding with light. Whole Parel was bathed in light except my room. I was alarmed and was wondering whom to lodge a complaint. Everyone there was a stranger to me. Unfortunately Ajith was out of the station, the landlord also not at home. I bolted the room again and went out. Bought a packet of candles and came back. Lighted it- some relief after all. Sunday’s incident came to mind and I was coming to grip with the situation- they have struck back. Okay then, let them proceed and satiate their thirst for blood. Let them enjoy and laugh to their heart’s content. But I had decided to not to be cowed down by such nasty tricks.
Ajith came back after one week and was flabbergasted on hearing the whole story.
“These narrow minded ones don’t care for other people’s feelings. They think the whole of Maharashtra is their monopoly, their family property. Don’t be upset. The cosmopolitan character of Mumbai is here to stay. They can’t wipe it out anymore”- Ajith’s words of consolation calmed my nerves for the moment.
I recall this sordid story after about 28 years now because of the recent unfortunate happenings involving the youths of Bihar and U.P who came all the way from their native States to attend a Railway Recruitment Board Exam and their ordeal at the hands of MNS hoodlums.
Even then the cosmopolitan character of Mumbai is here to stay, the vibrant hustling,bustling city is here to stay for ever….
Friday, October 24, 2008
A Nation In Turmoil

Raj Thackeray is freed again.
Lucky chap! Holding the whole state of Maharashtra to ransom, particularly the cosmopolitan city of Mumbai. Beating up and in the process, murdering one or two unemployed youth who came all the way from Bihar and U.P. to appear for a Railway Recruitment Board test in the city. I was shocked to see a horrible picture of one MNS activist mercilessly thundering blows on a hapless youth from Bihar in Navi Mumbai who came to appear for the RRB test. What for? The only reason being the “sole-heirs” of Maharashtra, the Marathis are being deprived of their rights by ‘aliens’ from the North Indian States. Yeah, ‘The sons of the soil principle’.
The legal process followed. Warrants issued to nab the master villain of the whole unfortunate happenings- Raj Thackeray, the megalomaniac. He was duly arrested from Ratnagiri of Maharashtra in the thick of night and put in prison for one night. The media wrote editorials demanding his long-term incarceration for holding the entire State to ransom and pleaded with the government and the law and order machinery not to allow the fellow and his group to disturb peace in the State particularly Mumbai. The news of his arrest spread like wild fire and all the hell broke loose. The leader’s followers ran like blood hounds carrying lethal weapons and went on the rampage. Train services held up, buses and shops torched, brutally assaulted the North Indian taxi drivers and street vendors to their heart’s content. The ever vibrant city of Mumbai came to stand-still and all the law-abiding citizens went indoors and locked themselves in their residences even then fearing the worst.
After one day of incarceration, the leader again let off the hook. Lucky chap! Celebrations were in the air, bursting of fire crackers followed, the city once again limped back to normality. Pathetic! A few lumpen elements could make the city life go haywire.
The man will be back to his business again. The one, who audaciously ignores the diktats of the Judiciary and State law and order machinery. Such is the plight of Mumbai and Mumbayites for the last two decades and more.
Parochialism, Terrorism and Communalism- the bane of a city and the bane of a nation. The tentacles of the monstrous hydra have spread even to remotest corners of the country. The whole nation is infact in the grip of a fear-psychosis.
Orissa is still in ferment. Innumerable cases of looting, arson and murders were reported from the Kandhamal and its adjoining areas. Even after repeated advisories of the Centre to the Orissa government to reign in the communal elements, bloody riots have not yet subsided. Minority Christians are brutally attacked, murdered and raped under the pretext of proselytisation. In Orissa it is a worst case of communalism.
Over to Assam. There, the Bodoland activists are up against the so-called illegal immigrants from Bangladesh. At a time when ULFA (United Liberation Front of Assam) is keeping a slow profile, another area under another group is seething with simmering discontent leading to mayhem and all such cold-blooded inhuman activities.
Now over to another group from West Bengal. There also it is a case of parochialism and secessionism. The Gorkha land enthusiasts have taken up cudgels against the LDF ruled West Bengal government demanding a separate State of Gorkhaland consisting of Darjeeling Hills and contiguous areas. GJM (Gorkha Janamukti Morcha) have given a call to the people to clad in their customary ethnic dresses for one month and also remove the WB signs on the number plates of vehicle and affix the GL sign instead. Bimal Gurung and Roshan Giri, the prominent advocates of Gorkhaland are bent upon creating a separate State of Gorkhas by fighting it out with West Bengal government.
The case of Jammu and Kashmir is as usual. Simmering discontent is prevailing in the State from ‘time immemorial’, some champion the cause of Independent Jammu and Kashmir, some for autonomy while remaining a part of India, some other for total secession from India and also be a part of Pakistan and some others declaring Jammu and Kashmir, an integral part of India. Terrorists, owing allegiance to Pakistan are on the prowl, some infiltrating across the border under the cover of darkness with protective firing provided by the Jawans of Pakistan to the Indian side to “scare away” the Indian Jawans and these terrorists are always on the look-out for opportunities to strike at the soft targets to rip apart the secular fabric of the State. Terrorist strikes are the order of the day in the State, in the process killing hundreds of innocents. It is fast becoming a communal cauldron and for any government at the Centre it seems, the State is going to be a chronic case of perennial headache.
Now, over to the southern parts of India.
Karnataka has somewhat limped back to normality after days of communal violence and atrocities by the majority community activists against minority Christian community. In Karnataka also, the Central government had to serve advisories to the State government several times under BJP leader B.S.Yeddyurappa to bring back the situation under control. I wonder whether the majority community was desperately waiting for a government of their own to come at the helm of affairs to settle scores with the minority communities under the slightest pretext. I think so.
Over to Tamil Nadu. Ruling D.M.K under Muthuvel Karunanidhi along with some other parties of his alliance have served an ultimatum to the Centre to intervene in strife-torn SriLanka with in two weeks by prevailing upon the government of Mahinda Rajapaksa to desist from attacking Tamils along the northern coast of SriLanka and have threatened to resign enmasse from the Parliament if the problem is not resolved by then. Meanwhile MDMK leader Vaiko and his deputy Kannappan have gone a step further by openly extending support to LTTE and its infamous leader Prabhakaran. Now both of them have been put behind bars for openly supporting the banned outfit, the main culprit behind the brutal assassination of Rajiv Gandhi.The list does not end here. Listing out them one by one takes much time. The North-Eastern States of Nagaland, Manipur, Tripura all find entrace to the list for the fissiparous and secessionist tendencies of a few elements. Our political leaders also will have to share some blame for all of these destructive tendencies because of their parochialism, soft communal attitudes while openly declaring their love of secularism, divide and rule tactics of our erstwhile British rulers and the wooing of some communal elements targeting vote-banks. Introspection and positive attitude are expected from all political parties. India is a federal State and try to see the nation as distinct entity and the politicians from each State have to bear this truth in mind. For nation of harmony, this is very important.
Lucky chap! Holding the whole state of Maharashtra to ransom, particularly the cosmopolitan city of Mumbai. Beating up and in the process, murdering one or two unemployed youth who came all the way from Bihar and U.P. to appear for a Railway Recruitment Board test in the city. I was shocked to see a horrible picture of one MNS activist mercilessly thundering blows on a hapless youth from Bihar in Navi Mumbai who came to appear for the RRB test. What for? The only reason being the “sole-heirs” of Maharashtra, the Marathis are being deprived of their rights by ‘aliens’ from the North Indian States. Yeah, ‘The sons of the soil principle’.
The legal process followed. Warrants issued to nab the master villain of the whole unfortunate happenings- Raj Thackeray, the megalomaniac. He was duly arrested from Ratnagiri of Maharashtra in the thick of night and put in prison for one night. The media wrote editorials demanding his long-term incarceration for holding the entire State to ransom and pleaded with the government and the law and order machinery not to allow the fellow and his group to disturb peace in the State particularly Mumbai. The news of his arrest spread like wild fire and all the hell broke loose. The leader’s followers ran like blood hounds carrying lethal weapons and went on the rampage. Train services held up, buses and shops torched, brutally assaulted the North Indian taxi drivers and street vendors to their heart’s content. The ever vibrant city of Mumbai came to stand-still and all the law-abiding citizens went indoors and locked themselves in their residences even then fearing the worst.
After one day of incarceration, the leader again let off the hook. Lucky chap! Celebrations were in the air, bursting of fire crackers followed, the city once again limped back to normality. Pathetic! A few lumpen elements could make the city life go haywire.
The man will be back to his business again. The one, who audaciously ignores the diktats of the Judiciary and State law and order machinery. Such is the plight of Mumbai and Mumbayites for the last two decades and more.
Parochialism, Terrorism and Communalism- the bane of a city and the bane of a nation. The tentacles of the monstrous hydra have spread even to remotest corners of the country. The whole nation is infact in the grip of a fear-psychosis.
Orissa is still in ferment. Innumerable cases of looting, arson and murders were reported from the Kandhamal and its adjoining areas. Even after repeated advisories of the Centre to the Orissa government to reign in the communal elements, bloody riots have not yet subsided. Minority Christians are brutally attacked, murdered and raped under the pretext of proselytisation. In Orissa it is a worst case of communalism.
Over to Assam. There, the Bodoland activists are up against the so-called illegal immigrants from Bangladesh. At a time when ULFA (United Liberation Front of Assam) is keeping a slow profile, another area under another group is seething with simmering discontent leading to mayhem and all such cold-blooded inhuman activities.
Now over to another group from West Bengal. There also it is a case of parochialism and secessionism. The Gorkha land enthusiasts have taken up cudgels against the LDF ruled West Bengal government demanding a separate State of Gorkhaland consisting of Darjeeling Hills and contiguous areas. GJM (Gorkha Janamukti Morcha) have given a call to the people to clad in their customary ethnic dresses for one month and also remove the WB signs on the number plates of vehicle and affix the GL sign instead. Bimal Gurung and Roshan Giri, the prominent advocates of Gorkhaland are bent upon creating a separate State of Gorkhas by fighting it out with West Bengal government.
The case of Jammu and Kashmir is as usual. Simmering discontent is prevailing in the State from ‘time immemorial’, some champion the cause of Independent Jammu and Kashmir, some for autonomy while remaining a part of India, some other for total secession from India and also be a part of Pakistan and some others declaring Jammu and Kashmir, an integral part of India. Terrorists, owing allegiance to Pakistan are on the prowl, some infiltrating across the border under the cover of darkness with protective firing provided by the Jawans of Pakistan to the Indian side to “scare away” the Indian Jawans and these terrorists are always on the look-out for opportunities to strike at the soft targets to rip apart the secular fabric of the State. Terrorist strikes are the order of the day in the State, in the process killing hundreds of innocents. It is fast becoming a communal cauldron and for any government at the Centre it seems, the State is going to be a chronic case of perennial headache.
Now, over to the southern parts of India.
Karnataka has somewhat limped back to normality after days of communal violence and atrocities by the majority community activists against minority Christian community. In Karnataka also, the Central government had to serve advisories to the State government several times under BJP leader B.S.Yeddyurappa to bring back the situation under control. I wonder whether the majority community was desperately waiting for a government of their own to come at the helm of affairs to settle scores with the minority communities under the slightest pretext. I think so.
Over to Tamil Nadu. Ruling D.M.K under Muthuvel Karunanidhi along with some other parties of his alliance have served an ultimatum to the Centre to intervene in strife-torn SriLanka with in two weeks by prevailing upon the government of Mahinda Rajapaksa to desist from attacking Tamils along the northern coast of SriLanka and have threatened to resign enmasse from the Parliament if the problem is not resolved by then. Meanwhile MDMK leader Vaiko and his deputy Kannappan have gone a step further by openly extending support to LTTE and its infamous leader Prabhakaran. Now both of them have been put behind bars for openly supporting the banned outfit, the main culprit behind the brutal assassination of Rajiv Gandhi.The list does not end here. Listing out them one by one takes much time. The North-Eastern States of Nagaland, Manipur, Tripura all find entrace to the list for the fissiparous and secessionist tendencies of a few elements. Our political leaders also will have to share some blame for all of these destructive tendencies because of their parochialism, soft communal attitudes while openly declaring their love of secularism, divide and rule tactics of our erstwhile British rulers and the wooing of some communal elements targeting vote-banks. Introspection and positive attitude are expected from all political parties. India is a federal State and try to see the nation as distinct entity and the politicians from each State have to bear this truth in mind. For nation of harmony, this is very important.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Which Way The Wind Blows…..?

We are living in strange times.
During an official visit to U.S.A our minister for Overseas Affairs Shri.Vayalar Ravi was reported to have pleaded with Condoleezza Rice, U.S State Secretary to speed up the process of signing the Civil Nuclear Deal. He might have implored her with folded hands. Ms.Rice while providing him assurance to the effect that his humble request would be taken in to consideration as early as possible, might have held back a suppressed laughter. And she might have had a hearty laughter with President George W Bush, at the time of disclosing to him about the humble request of our Minister for Overseas Affairs.
As a political leader, incidentally he is a good economist also, had pointed out at a time U.S.A was groping in the dark to find a solution to the unprecedented “financial meltdown” that nation was desperately in a hurry to conclude the deal (Mr.Bush and his cohorts were really somewhat happy) because they could benefit or compensate one seventh portion of the total “bail-out package” of 700 billion U.S dollars with the help of India.
As an observer of the day to day happenings around our surroundings, I was surprised and alarmed by the eagerness with which our Minister pressed for the early signing of the Civil Nuclear Deal. While I was in my teens, I recall the face of the angry young men in our Parliament the so called ‘Young Turks’ who were the vociferous advocates of socialist ideals and also Jawaharlal Nehru’s concept of Non-Alignment Movement. The ones who stood behind the late Prime Minister Indira Gandhi like a rock while her own opponents in the party made a kerfuffle over the Nationalization of the Private sector banks in 1969.
These ‘young turks’ of the yesteryears (unfortunately all of them are in their late sixties now, some already in their heavenly abodes), have now evolved in to the champions of Neo-Liberalisation and Globalisation, and are in the forefront of Privatisation of even the “Navaratna undertakings”. Funny and at the same time pathetic. Who told- “Politicians are a rare kind of species”?
Some years ago, I had a rare chance to pass through Cherthala of Alleppey district, Vayalar Ravi’s native land. While walking over the sand filled interiors of that blessed land with thick growth of coconut trees providing shade to all I could see the enlarged framed photographs of Khadi-clad Vayalar Ravi adorning the walls of almost all the middle-class houses, and was surprised to notice the tremendous clout he wielded among the people of Cherthala and adjoining areas, the land of communist revolutionaries and martyrs. I hope still they are holding him in high esteem with reverence, thanks to his political acumen (or chicanery).
A few months back, I happened to notice a news item, involving Ravi- then also he was a Minister in the Union Cabinet- talking to Venkitesh Ramakrishnan of ‘The Hindu’, that it is high time we looked backwards (a sort of introspection) pointing out disparities in the society on account of Neo-Liberalist agenda and Globalisation. I was not at all surprised or alarmed at the sudden ‘volte face’ because “such are the ways of our politicians nowadays”. They can turn the tables at any time depending upon whichever way the wind blows. A ‘neo-liberal’ Ravi can transform himself to the socialist Ravi at the most opportune moment.
We could see many of our Congress leaders including A.K.Antony, our Defence Minister (this gentleman Gandhian is also in desperate hurry to pile up deadly weapons to fill his armoury and occasionally seen with the soldiers in camouflage uniforms. After all patriotism is the need of the hour.) and Oommen Chandy, our opposition leader, among hundreds of Khadi-clad congress men undertaking ‘Dandi March’ wearing ‘Gandhi caps’ commemorating the 75th anniversary of Mahatma’s Dandi March in protest against British government’s policies, our erstwhile rulers. We can also see them offering floral tributes to Mahatma at Rajghat on his birth and death anniversaries. That, Gandhi always stood and fought for ‘Swadeshi’ ideals is a different matter. Suppose Gandhi were alive today…..!
Sorry sir, I am not a Gandhian…
During an official visit to U.S.A our minister for Overseas Affairs Shri.Vayalar Ravi was reported to have pleaded with Condoleezza Rice, U.S State Secretary to speed up the process of signing the Civil Nuclear Deal. He might have implored her with folded hands. Ms.Rice while providing him assurance to the effect that his humble request would be taken in to consideration as early as possible, might have held back a suppressed laughter. And she might have had a hearty laughter with President George W Bush, at the time of disclosing to him about the humble request of our Minister for Overseas Affairs.
As a political leader, incidentally he is a good economist also, had pointed out at a time U.S.A was groping in the dark to find a solution to the unprecedented “financial meltdown” that nation was desperately in a hurry to conclude the deal (Mr.Bush and his cohorts were really somewhat happy) because they could benefit or compensate one seventh portion of the total “bail-out package” of 700 billion U.S dollars with the help of India.
As an observer of the day to day happenings around our surroundings, I was surprised and alarmed by the eagerness with which our Minister pressed for the early signing of the Civil Nuclear Deal. While I was in my teens, I recall the face of the angry young men in our Parliament the so called ‘Young Turks’ who were the vociferous advocates of socialist ideals and also Jawaharlal Nehru’s concept of Non-Alignment Movement. The ones who stood behind the late Prime Minister Indira Gandhi like a rock while her own opponents in the party made a kerfuffle over the Nationalization of the Private sector banks in 1969.
These ‘young turks’ of the yesteryears (unfortunately all of them are in their late sixties now, some already in their heavenly abodes), have now evolved in to the champions of Neo-Liberalisation and Globalisation, and are in the forefront of Privatisation of even the “Navaratna undertakings”. Funny and at the same time pathetic. Who told- “Politicians are a rare kind of species”?
Some years ago, I had a rare chance to pass through Cherthala of Alleppey district, Vayalar Ravi’s native land. While walking over the sand filled interiors of that blessed land with thick growth of coconut trees providing shade to all I could see the enlarged framed photographs of Khadi-clad Vayalar Ravi adorning the walls of almost all the middle-class houses, and was surprised to notice the tremendous clout he wielded among the people of Cherthala and adjoining areas, the land of communist revolutionaries and martyrs. I hope still they are holding him in high esteem with reverence, thanks to his political acumen (or chicanery).
A few months back, I happened to notice a news item, involving Ravi- then also he was a Minister in the Union Cabinet- talking to Venkitesh Ramakrishnan of ‘The Hindu’, that it is high time we looked backwards (a sort of introspection) pointing out disparities in the society on account of Neo-Liberalist agenda and Globalisation. I was not at all surprised or alarmed at the sudden ‘volte face’ because “such are the ways of our politicians nowadays”. They can turn the tables at any time depending upon whichever way the wind blows. A ‘neo-liberal’ Ravi can transform himself to the socialist Ravi at the most opportune moment.
We could see many of our Congress leaders including A.K.Antony, our Defence Minister (this gentleman Gandhian is also in desperate hurry to pile up deadly weapons to fill his armoury and occasionally seen with the soldiers in camouflage uniforms. After all patriotism is the need of the hour.) and Oommen Chandy, our opposition leader, among hundreds of Khadi-clad congress men undertaking ‘Dandi March’ wearing ‘Gandhi caps’ commemorating the 75th anniversary of Mahatma’s Dandi March in protest against British government’s policies, our erstwhile rulers. We can also see them offering floral tributes to Mahatma at Rajghat on his birth and death anniversaries. That, Gandhi always stood and fought for ‘Swadeshi’ ideals is a different matter. Suppose Gandhi were alive today…..!
Sorry sir, I am not a Gandhian…
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