While the tripartite talks were going on in the past (and present) either at USA or Egypt with the American President or Egyptian President donning the role of mediator to find a solution for the intermittent clashes, bombings, shooting, throwing grenades against each other resulting in the death of hundreds of innocent civilians, the leaders came out after one day’s inconclusive talks scheduled to be continued for the next day with cautiously optimistic smiles, addressing the anxious media outside the venue, the media men also saw light at the end of the tunnel on hearing some pleasant news from them. Actually, there was /is no light at the end of the tunnel and what they were claiming was an illusion. The hope and ardent prayers of the millions across the World, might be one of the reasons for the illusion- the light at the end of the tunnel.

While writing this article,in West Asia, the war between Hamas Militants and Israel are raging like wild fire killing innocent civilians, the men, women and children falling dead or badly bruised, crippling them for the rest of their life.
Hamas launching missiles from their side inflicting casualties at the other side of Israel and the belligerent Israeli forces retaliating with double or thrice the forces of Hamas inflicting massive destruction of properties of the Palestininans and also their violent deaths. Today is the sixth day of fighting. The innocent civilians of Gaza strip are reeling under hunger with the depletion of food and other essential commodities owing to the blockade imposed by the retaliating Israel army. The NGOs are frustrated and helpless and their hearts go all out for hungry children,women and men.
Israel’s Military is a mighty force, with all kinds of ammunition kept in their arsenal including the weapons of mass destruction like atom bombs and chemical weapons ready to take on the Arab nations surrounding it, it so happened in 1967 annexing substantial areas of Arab lands like Syria, Jordan and Egypt. USA has always a soft corner for Israel, either under George W Bush or the President-elect Barack Obama. Even almost all nations want Israel to be calm and not be belligerent, the issue is getting to be aggravated day by day even after passing resolutions to avert a war-like atmosphere. USA always cast vetos in support of Israel extending all logistical help to Israel, thus making UN almost “redundant”. For the World Super Cop, UN resolutions have not much worth, thus ignoring the World Body’s diktats and advices. Israel keeping atom bombs in its arsenal is not at all a concern for USA , in fact they are extending maximum logistical support to develop lethal weapons like atom bombs, but Iran developing Uranium enrichment for even peaceful purposes and for that matter certain targeted countries which are blacklisted by USA are also prevented from Uranium enrichment process threatening to impose sanctions in the event of violation of their commands or diktats. USA is always like that, what they need is loyal and submissive nations and so they apply different criteria for different nations whether these nations are governed by dictators or ‘democrats’. And appreciating themselves by claiming “The World’s Greatest Democracy”.
Here I recall the carnage committed by ten or more Pakistani terrorists, held the entire country to ransom for about 60 hours. With crocodile tears George Bush sent his close confident, Ms. Condoleezza Rice to India, didn’t forget to condemn the gruesome murders committed by the terrorists of the neighbouring country. She also advised our leaders not to take “knee-jerk” decisions by attacking Pakistan or Pak occupied Kashmir (PoK) and offered herself as a third person by sitting across the table with the representatives of India and Pakistan to defuse the crisis. A wonderful peace-loving lady!

If these developments had taken place in the Israeli territory, USA would not only have condemned the actions but also encouraged or directed Israel government to intervene in the imbroglio and effect as much damage as possible in the Gaza strip. Such is the double standard of the “World’s Greatest Democracy”. USA, aware about all the activities going on in Pakistan still keeps a soft heart towards that country now named by nations across the World as the “Epicentre Of Terrorism”.
Even after one month, our intellectuals, former ambassadors and other think tanks are advising the Manmohan Singh government not to commit ‘knee-jerk’ action. Quite amusing? It would have been called ‘kneee-jerk’ action, had our nation immediately attacked Pakistan and demolished the terrorist training centres thriving at Pakistan occupied Kashmir.
India always loved peace, still want to remain a peaceful country and it retaliates only after the neighbouring countries declare an all out war. It is India’s tradition to keep a peaceful policy and our nation is still following a peaceful path. This nation never intervened in the internal affairs of another country and is taken for a ride if a child on the other side of LOC throws a stone in an angry mood. But that is not the case of Israel. If some young students cast stones to Israelian side, that is enough and more for Israel to engage in a full-fledged war.
That is the difference between India and Israel. Dear sirs, please don’t intimidate the citizens with ‘knee-jerk’ reactions and something like such terms. After all 26/11/2008 is left far behind.

When will we see light at the end of tunnel? For the last several years as an observer of the current events prevailing in our country, and the World as a whole the one question often needling me is the happenings in the Middle-East, especially the frequent fighting between Israel and Palestine with no end in sight. If the Palestinians, the Fatwa movement under Mahmoud Abbas formerly its leader was legendary Yasser Arafat and the break away faction-Hamas make a climb down recognizing Israel as a Sovereign Republic instead of threatening that country to wipe out of the World map and accept it as a reality and Israel also make a climb down by returning the captured lands to the neighbouring Arab nations and create a peaceful atmosphere throughout the area with amity and friendship and lead a harmonious life forgetting the bitter past , the issue will come to an amicable settlement for ever.
Would Khalid Mishail, the supreme leader of the Hamas faction and Ismail Haniya, Prime Minister of Gaza strip get mellowed in the not too distant future, the West Asian crisis is likely to blow over. If such a scenario happens we can certainly see light at the end of the tunnel…
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