I was contemplating writing to you for the past few months. But I nipped those desires in the bud, because a common man’s letters have an ideal and deserving place in a leader’s office-the waste paper basket. So I refrained from the wish to write to the political leaders. Exceptions are there, I do admit. On second thoughts, with much reluctance of-course, I have decided to write to you. Come what may. But I do not know, what purpose it would serve in the long run. Anyhow let me pen a few lines.
I know you are busy these days. Like a busybee. Elections are fast approaching. The fight for seats have already begun among your followers. And that is going to intensify in the days to come. And you will have to chalk out elaborate strategies at a moment when the new political equations are emerging in IndraPrastha and across the states.
The most appreciable thing that I have noticed from the very beginning was your reluctance and unwillingness to occupy the important chair in the South-Block. Whenever the chair beckoned you, you turned back and found another person to occupy it. Even the pleas of millions of your supporters couldn’t force you to change the decision already taken by you. Some even threatened to immolate themselves and some turned guns to their heads threatening to shoot themselves to become martyrs for a rethink on your part. All proved futile.
But your desire and ceaseless efforts to put your Party in power again is very much on your agenda and that is quite natural.
Loyalty in politics is a good thing. But what about sycophancy? The greed for power by flattering you by those who surround you is a dangerous thing. A sycophant can turn the tables any time and will have no compunctions to turn to greener pastures and I think I need not elaborate it. Even those who keep a healthy relationship may back out at the most opportune time reminding of a stab in the back and form their own Party citing silly reasons like foreign origin and will dare to bargain for seats when the chips are down.
Those who are maintaining a company with you after years of enemity, yes, I mean the Samajwadi Party headed by Mulayam Singh and Amar Singh are fence-sitters and their only aim is extracting the maximum for them and their industrialist friends and will have no hesitation to bargain for as much seats as possible and for a large chunk of portfolios in the corridors of power. If their demands are not going to be met by your Party, you can very well see yourselves left in the lurch. Their ultimate aim is power, power and power only. Like the woman from U.P, who has nowadays started eyeing for seat of PM at the throne in IndraPrastha and she can go to any great lengths to occupy that position. What is most unfortunate is the leftists, whom I like most in the Indian political arena( yes more than your party) have also extended a helping hand to the lady and I take this opportunity to squarely blame you and our PM for ditching your long-term friends for the immediate materialization of Civil-Nuclear deal with USA. Otherwise at a critical moment like this, the left support might be of immense help to you and your party. But I am aware, in politics, everything is possible.
Like late Indira Gandhi, your mother-in-law, the one appreciable thing I have noticed in you is your compassion and love that you shower on the millions of hapless citizens of India. Your concern for the poor and downtrodden, their helplessness in making both ends meet, dream of a square meal a day, and your exhortations to the Corporate tycoons to contribute as much as they can to alleviate the sufferings of the have-nots at Business Leadership Summit conducted by Hindustan Times were really heartening. Corporate Social Responsibility is an essential pre-requisite in the contemporary India, you took the opportunity to point out to them certainly a laudable thing expected from a ruling party leader. About the poor you said, “Whatever action we take, we must protect them. This is our firm commitment.”
You added further, “the well-being of those who are trying to manage two square meals a day and roof over their heads shall be ensured at any cost”.
The foremost thing that needs to draw your attention is even after the plummeting of Oil-price below 60$/barrel, his Excellency Murli Deora, the Minister of Petroleum has not yet decided to lower the fuel prices, which if implemented would be of tremendous benefit for the millions of consumers-though inflation rate seems to be going down- the prices of essential commodities like vegetables and other eatables are running sky-high. Our Petroleum Minister is seeming to be oblivious of the demands of common man and those below him and now he has come out with an assurance that fuel prices cannot be brought down because of election time and code-of-conduct remains in force. I don’t think that our Election commission won’t agree for a reduction in fuel prices, if they are kept abreast of the realities and they are also well aware of the problems because they are also Indian citizens. Mere meaningless justification for not bringing down the fuel prices solely with the aim of helping the Petroleum marketing companies won’t carry conviction.
Communalism, law and order situation, terrorist-menace across the nation, secessionism, parochialism, wide-spread corruption, nepotism, poverty, unemployment, rampant price escalation- all are squeezing the nation like spiders in a web and as a citizen of India, may I take this opportunity to implore you to turn your kind and immediate attention to look in to all these curses and prevail upon the mandarins in the corridors of power to work earnestly on a war-footing to wipe out all these evils from our body-politic.
I know you are busy these days. Like a busybee. Elections are fast approaching. The fight for seats have already begun among your followers. And that is going to intensify in the days to come. And you will have to chalk out elaborate strategies at a moment when the new political equations are emerging in IndraPrastha and across the states.
The most appreciable thing that I have noticed from the very beginning was your reluctance and unwillingness to occupy the important chair in the South-Block. Whenever the chair beckoned you, you turned back and found another person to occupy it. Even the pleas of millions of your supporters couldn’t force you to change the decision already taken by you. Some even threatened to immolate themselves and some turned guns to their heads threatening to shoot themselves to become martyrs for a rethink on your part. All proved futile.
But your desire and ceaseless efforts to put your Party in power again is very much on your agenda and that is quite natural.
Loyalty in politics is a good thing. But what about sycophancy? The greed for power by flattering you by those who surround you is a dangerous thing. A sycophant can turn the tables any time and will have no compunctions to turn to greener pastures and I think I need not elaborate it. Even those who keep a healthy relationship may back out at the most opportune time reminding of a stab in the back and form their own Party citing silly reasons like foreign origin and will dare to bargain for seats when the chips are down.
Those who are maintaining a company with you after years of enemity, yes, I mean the Samajwadi Party headed by Mulayam Singh and Amar Singh are fence-sitters and their only aim is extracting the maximum for them and their industrialist friends and will have no hesitation to bargain for as much seats as possible and for a large chunk of portfolios in the corridors of power. If their demands are not going to be met by your Party, you can very well see yourselves left in the lurch. Their ultimate aim is power, power and power only. Like the woman from U.P, who has nowadays started eyeing for seat of PM at the throne in IndraPrastha and she can go to any great lengths to occupy that position. What is most unfortunate is the leftists, whom I like most in the Indian political arena( yes more than your party) have also extended a helping hand to the lady and I take this opportunity to squarely blame you and our PM for ditching your long-term friends for the immediate materialization of Civil-Nuclear deal with USA. Otherwise at a critical moment like this, the left support might be of immense help to you and your party. But I am aware, in politics, everything is possible.
Like late Indira Gandhi, your mother-in-law, the one appreciable thing I have noticed in you is your compassion and love that you shower on the millions of hapless citizens of India. Your concern for the poor and downtrodden, their helplessness in making both ends meet, dream of a square meal a day, and your exhortations to the Corporate tycoons to contribute as much as they can to alleviate the sufferings of the have-nots at Business Leadership Summit conducted by Hindustan Times were really heartening. Corporate Social Responsibility is an essential pre-requisite in the contemporary India, you took the opportunity to point out to them certainly a laudable thing expected from a ruling party leader. About the poor you said, “Whatever action we take, we must protect them. This is our firm commitment.”
You added further, “the well-being of those who are trying to manage two square meals a day and roof over their heads shall be ensured at any cost”.
The foremost thing that needs to draw your attention is even after the plummeting of Oil-price below 60$/barrel, his Excellency Murli Deora, the Minister of Petroleum has not yet decided to lower the fuel prices, which if implemented would be of tremendous benefit for the millions of consumers-though inflation rate seems to be going down- the prices of essential commodities like vegetables and other eatables are running sky-high. Our Petroleum Minister is seeming to be oblivious of the demands of common man and those below him and now he has come out with an assurance that fuel prices cannot be brought down because of election time and code-of-conduct remains in force. I don’t think that our Election commission won’t agree for a reduction in fuel prices, if they are kept abreast of the realities and they are also well aware of the problems because they are also Indian citizens. Mere meaningless justification for not bringing down the fuel prices solely with the aim of helping the Petroleum marketing companies won’t carry conviction.
Communalism, law and order situation, terrorist-menace across the nation, secessionism, parochialism, wide-spread corruption, nepotism, poverty, unemployment, rampant price escalation- all are squeezing the nation like spiders in a web and as a citizen of India, may I take this opportunity to implore you to turn your kind and immediate attention to look in to all these curses and prevail upon the mandarins in the corridors of power to work earnestly on a war-footing to wipe out all these evils from our body-politic.
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