November 4, 2008
As the results trickled down, the margin got wider and wider, the victory assured, the whole of America erupted in joy and applause, the streets filled with dancing youth chanting Obama Obama. The people the world over felt elated and exhilarated, over the unprecedented victory of Barack Obama, the first African-American President.
The majority of Americans as well as the people across the globe were badly in need of change. They saw in Obama, a saviour who could transform USA which was under the belligerent, arrogant rule of George Walker Bush.
“We have to throw ourselves out from the deep hole, we have plunged into”.- As Obama put it. A young man, only 47 years, charismatic, cool, diplomatic, peace-loving and with a personal magnetism he could capture the hearts of people of USA, white and black alike. So fed-up were they under the long eight years of misgovernance by George Bush. They wanted change. A change for the better. An America of peace and prosperity to all.
The victory was expected and unexpected. Expected because, enamoured by his charismatic appeal and his voracious oratory, and also for his promises from his heart, it was somewhat assured even before the elections.
Unexpected in the sense that whether the probability of Black-American becoming the first President of USA was feared to be an anathema to the white men of that nation. Political observers and majority of intellectuals were apprehending the ‘Bradley effect’ at the last moment. Tom Bradley was a victim years ago. Inspite of assurances by the white Americans to vote for Bradley and more than 7% margin in his favour in the last moment, they turned the tables against him and was defeated at the hustings. The whites considered the blacks a stigma on the nation. They were of the belief that they were the sole-heirs to rule USA. Such was their feeling of superiority over the blacks. I think this time they have atoned for their sins and misconceptions ensured that Barack Obama is the deserving candidate to ride the crest of popular wave.
“We are infallible. We will never apologise for United States of America. What ever may be the facts”- George Bush senior once declared before the World. His son, junior Bush followed in the foot-steps of his beloved father. Such was their arrogance and conviction. With those words indelibly imprinted in his mind Bush junior went on the rampage and in the guise of a messiah of democracy, targeted Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Korea and without compunction intervened in the internal affairs of other countries. Keeping thousands of nuclear arsenal and deadly weapons in his armoury, the man preached before the World the sanctity of disarmament and democracy like proverbial Satan.
The war erupted in Iraq in 2003 is still raging. Mr.Bush and his obedient allies could not find a trace of weapons of mass destruction, the allegation they pointed against the Saddam Hussein regime to wage the chilling war. Even after devastation of the whole Iraq and the brutal hanging of Saddam Hussein after a mock trial and the installment of a puppet government in his place, his thirst for blood has not been satiated yet. Millions of innocent civilians perished in the attacks and the last remnants of Mesopotamian civilization wiped out- inspite of all these dastardly acts the average Iraqi citizen is in a defiant mood and is endangering his life for the freedom of his beloved country. Their thirst for freedom dates back to Mesopotamian period. The Americans certainly will have to bow out in the near future.
Barack Obama has already taken a decision to withdraw from Iraq within 16 months period.
So far so good. Within a short duration, the euphoria will settle down. Obama is well aware of the enormous gigantic tasks that lay ahead of him and also the tall expectations of the Americans and the people the World over. The whole World is watching with eagerness, anxiety and hopes the course of action he is going to take up.
The spectre of terrorism looming large over the World, the emergence of a multipolar World (gone are the days of unipolar World, with the gradual decline of USA in the eyes of the World, in terms of financial growth and also the tremendous development of the developing nations in various fields, the surge in the prices of petroleum products resulting in the enormous prosperity of the Gulf nations and the defiant and fearless attitudes of third World countries towards USA’s so-called superioritycomplex and arrogance- the image of the “World Police” is nowhere in sight).
The Afghan imbroglio is staring right in the face of Barack Obama with Taliban moving ahead with ferocity to the citadels of power with ever increasing abduction killings of the innocents and huge bomb explosions rocking the nation devastating a whole nation. North-Western frontier of Pakistan has turned out to be a safe-haven of Al-quaeda and Taliban elements, haunting nightmare for Pakistan as well as Afghanistan. Besides adding fuel to the fire is the predicament of the inefficient and corrupt regime of Hamid Karzai who has up-till now not in grip with the nuances of that nation, being an American educated product installed by none other than George W Bush, as a puppet. Whether Obama can take on the wild-goings on in that accursed country –we will have to wait and see.
In the case of Jammu and Kashmir, Obama’s hope to intervene in the dispute between India and Pakistan as a mediator is not likely to be welcomed by the Indian government. Such an apprehension is doing the rounds in the foreign policy establishment in New Delhi and Obama’s hope is unlikely to materialize because India has never agreed with any government for a tripartite discussion on the issue of Jammu and Kashmir. This is also for us to wait and watch.
Russia under the rule of Vladimir Putin and Dimitry Medvedev is now in a position of strength with the enormous flow of Petro-Dollars, thanks to its rich oil resources. They are not at all expected to move an inch from their convictions and in the Caucuses Russia proved to the World the country’s might and strength on the issue of Georgia’s unexpected attack on South Ossetia killing thousands of civilians. Russia jumped to the front in no time and within a short span forced the Georgian soldiers flee from the war-zone inflicting huge casualties thus forcing Michael Sakaashville biting the dust. Contrary to the expectations of Sakaashville, USA and European countries evaded from intervening in the whole affair and remained spectators only condemning the action of Russia. After the bowing out of George Bush, the foremost thing expected of Obama is his diplomatic and peaceful approach to Russian leaders and enter into good terms and avoid a situation of confrontation.
Like Russia, the Latin American countries are also watching the emergence of Obama with great expectations and happiness. Congratulations apart both Cuba and Venezeula in their message to Obama wanted to have a relationship of peaceful co-existence shedding decades of rivalry and confrontation and work for a new dawn of peace and prosperity.
Yet there are a lot to be discussed and analysed. The West-Asian crisis, relationship with China, Japan, The Koreas, Climate change all prominent in their own way.
But more than everything else, the first and foremost thing that Barack Obama has to get engaged with is the financial meltdown threatening his nation and nations across the Globe. Now that Bush has become lame-duck and is on his way out after turning the entire economy in shambles due to his fondness towards the market economy and deregulation, Obama has to bear the whole brunt. How is he going to bring back the economic right in the track? How will he bring back cheer in the face of each and every American citizen? To the people who lost their apartments due to foreclosure, the health-care facilities of the average American, unemployment bonus to the educated youth and those at the bottom of the ladder?
“While Dalal Street thrives, we should ensure that the Main Street does not suffer”- These are Barack Obama’s words.
These words show he has grappled with the situation and that is heartening. Let us hope for the best and for that we will have to wait and watch.
And let us hope for something positive to emerge in the G-20 meeting scheduled to be commencing in USA on November 15. Perhaps a way out for the whole World . To be optimistic is good thing…..
As the results trickled down, the margin got wider and wider, the victory assured, the whole of America erupted in joy and applause, the streets filled with dancing youth chanting Obama Obama. The people the world over felt elated and exhilarated, over the unprecedented victory of Barack Obama, the first African-American President.
The majority of Americans as well as the people across the globe were badly in need of change. They saw in Obama, a saviour who could transform USA which was under the belligerent, arrogant rule of George Walker Bush.
“We have to throw ourselves out from the deep hole, we have plunged into”.- As Obama put it. A young man, only 47 years, charismatic, cool, diplomatic, peace-loving and with a personal magnetism he could capture the hearts of people of USA, white and black alike. So fed-up were they under the long eight years of misgovernance by George Bush. They wanted change. A change for the better. An America of peace and prosperity to all.
The victory was expected and unexpected. Expected because, enamoured by his charismatic appeal and his voracious oratory, and also for his promises from his heart, it was somewhat assured even before the elections.
Unexpected in the sense that whether the probability of Black-American becoming the first President of USA was feared to be an anathema to the white men of that nation. Political observers and majority of intellectuals were apprehending the ‘Bradley effect’ at the last moment. Tom Bradley was a victim years ago. Inspite of assurances by the white Americans to vote for Bradley and more than 7% margin in his favour in the last moment, they turned the tables against him and was defeated at the hustings. The whites considered the blacks a stigma on the nation. They were of the belief that they were the sole-heirs to rule USA. Such was their feeling of superiority over the blacks. I think this time they have atoned for their sins and misconceptions ensured that Barack Obama is the deserving candidate to ride the crest of popular wave.
“We are infallible. We will never apologise for United States of America. What ever may be the facts”- George Bush senior once declared before the World. His son, junior Bush followed in the foot-steps of his beloved father. Such was their arrogance and conviction. With those words indelibly imprinted in his mind Bush junior went on the rampage and in the guise of a messiah of democracy, targeted Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Korea and without compunction intervened in the internal affairs of other countries. Keeping thousands of nuclear arsenal and deadly weapons in his armoury, the man preached before the World the sanctity of disarmament and democracy like proverbial Satan.
The war erupted in Iraq in 2003 is still raging. Mr.Bush and his obedient allies could not find a trace of weapons of mass destruction, the allegation they pointed against the Saddam Hussein regime to wage the chilling war. Even after devastation of the whole Iraq and the brutal hanging of Saddam Hussein after a mock trial and the installment of a puppet government in his place, his thirst for blood has not been satiated yet. Millions of innocent civilians perished in the attacks and the last remnants of Mesopotamian civilization wiped out- inspite of all these dastardly acts the average Iraqi citizen is in a defiant mood and is endangering his life for the freedom of his beloved country. Their thirst for freedom dates back to Mesopotamian period. The Americans certainly will have to bow out in the near future.
Barack Obama has already taken a decision to withdraw from Iraq within 16 months period.
So far so good. Within a short duration, the euphoria will settle down. Obama is well aware of the enormous gigantic tasks that lay ahead of him and also the tall expectations of the Americans and the people the World over. The whole World is watching with eagerness, anxiety and hopes the course of action he is going to take up.
The spectre of terrorism looming large over the World, the emergence of a multipolar World (gone are the days of unipolar World, with the gradual decline of USA in the eyes of the World, in terms of financial growth and also the tremendous development of the developing nations in various fields, the surge in the prices of petroleum products resulting in the enormous prosperity of the Gulf nations and the defiant and fearless attitudes of third World countries towards USA’s so-called superioritycomplex and arrogance- the image of the “World Police” is nowhere in sight).
The Afghan imbroglio is staring right in the face of Barack Obama with Taliban moving ahead with ferocity to the citadels of power with ever increasing abduction killings of the innocents and huge bomb explosions rocking the nation devastating a whole nation. North-Western frontier of Pakistan has turned out to be a safe-haven of Al-quaeda and Taliban elements, haunting nightmare for Pakistan as well as Afghanistan. Besides adding fuel to the fire is the predicament of the inefficient and corrupt regime of Hamid Karzai who has up-till now not in grip with the nuances of that nation, being an American educated product installed by none other than George W Bush, as a puppet. Whether Obama can take on the wild-goings on in that accursed country –we will have to wait and see.
In the case of Jammu and Kashmir, Obama’s hope to intervene in the dispute between India and Pakistan as a mediator is not likely to be welcomed by the Indian government. Such an apprehension is doing the rounds in the foreign policy establishment in New Delhi and Obama’s hope is unlikely to materialize because India has never agreed with any government for a tripartite discussion on the issue of Jammu and Kashmir. This is also for us to wait and watch.
Russia under the rule of Vladimir Putin and Dimitry Medvedev is now in a position of strength with the enormous flow of Petro-Dollars, thanks to its rich oil resources. They are not at all expected to move an inch from their convictions and in the Caucuses Russia proved to the World the country’s might and strength on the issue of Georgia’s unexpected attack on South Ossetia killing thousands of civilians. Russia jumped to the front in no time and within a short span forced the Georgian soldiers flee from the war-zone inflicting huge casualties thus forcing Michael Sakaashville biting the dust. Contrary to the expectations of Sakaashville, USA and European countries evaded from intervening in the whole affair and remained spectators only condemning the action of Russia. After the bowing out of George Bush, the foremost thing expected of Obama is his diplomatic and peaceful approach to Russian leaders and enter into good terms and avoid a situation of confrontation.
Like Russia, the Latin American countries are also watching the emergence of Obama with great expectations and happiness. Congratulations apart both Cuba and Venezeula in their message to Obama wanted to have a relationship of peaceful co-existence shedding decades of rivalry and confrontation and work for a new dawn of peace and prosperity.
Yet there are a lot to be discussed and analysed. The West-Asian crisis, relationship with China, Japan, The Koreas, Climate change all prominent in their own way.
But more than everything else, the first and foremost thing that Barack Obama has to get engaged with is the financial meltdown threatening his nation and nations across the Globe. Now that Bush has become lame-duck and is on his way out after turning the entire economy in shambles due to his fondness towards the market economy and deregulation, Obama has to bear the whole brunt. How is he going to bring back the economic right in the track? How will he bring back cheer in the face of each and every American citizen? To the people who lost their apartments due to foreclosure, the health-care facilities of the average American, unemployment bonus to the educated youth and those at the bottom of the ladder?
“While Dalal Street thrives, we should ensure that the Main Street does not suffer”- These are Barack Obama’s words.
These words show he has grappled with the situation and that is heartening. Let us hope for the best and for that we will have to wait and watch.
And let us hope for something positive to emerge in the G-20 meeting scheduled to be commencing in USA on November 15. Perhaps a way out for the whole World . To be optimistic is good thing…..
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